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Edit or delete records

When you register an item on the NDD Orbix portal, you can edit or delete it according to the needs of the operation. However, to carry out these actions, it is essential to have the appropriate permissions.


Before editing a record, make sure you have the necessary permission and review the notes on the impacts the edit will have.

Then go to the grid of the desired functionality and follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the name of the desired record to open its properties

  2. Click on the desired tab (Info, Permissions or Notifications, depending on the functionality accessed)

  3. Change the desired information

  4. Click on the Save button

There are other system features that can be edited by clicking on the ✎ icon of the desired record.

Some items do not allow you to edit all their data. Therefore, to edit the remaining data, delete the record and create another one with the desired data adjusted.


Before deleting a record, make sure you have the necessary permission and review the notes on the impacts the deletion will have.

Then go to the grid of the desired functionality and follow the steps below:

  1. Select the desired record

  2. Click the 🗑 button

  3. Read the message carefully
    Through the message, you will be flagged:
    - items that cannot be deleted
    - impacts that deleting the item will cause

  4. Confirm the action in the message box

There are other system resources where deletion can be carried out by clicking on the 🗑 icon next to the desired record.

Permissions and comments on editing or deleting

Check the necessary permissions and the relevant notes on the impacts of editing or deleting a record.

A “-” sign means that editing or deleting is not available for that record.




Comments edition

Comments exclusion


Administration > Users

Admin or User management (the users category)


The user will no longer have access to the NDD Orbix portal of the provider from which they were excluded.

Permission group

Administration > Permission Groups

Admin or Permission group management

When you edit the permission group's permissioning, the users linked to it will have their permissions adjusted.

If there are users linked to the deleted permission group, review their permissioning or add them to another permission group.


Administration > Customers

Admin or Client management

There isn't.


Customer site

Administration > Customers

Admin or Site management

There isn't.

The deleted site will lose its links and the linked devices will be assigned to the default site.

It is not possible to delete the default site.

Customer department

Administration > Customers

Admin or Department management


The deleted department will lose its links and the linked devices will be left without a department.


Administration > Units

Admin or Unit management

There isn't.

It is not possible to delete a unit or subunit that has customers or users assigned to it, or if it has subunits. To delete it, remove these links.

Automatic, scheduled or manual update rule

Installations >
Automatic updates > Update rules

Admin or Update rules management

There isn't.

The agent may become
outdated, so it is necessary to update it manually with each new version.

Monitoring rules

Installations > Enable services

Admin or Managing service rules


If no new rules are registered for the same customer/computer, device monitoring will cease.

Filter monitoring by manufacturer and model by service

Installations > Services

Admin or Installation management

When editing the monitoring filter to block manufacturers and models that have already had their printers registered, review the inventory to stop managing these devices.

When you delete the monitoring filter to block manufacturers and models that have already had their printers registered, review the inventory to stop managing these devices.

Filter monitoring by manufacturer and model per customer

Settings > Monitoring

Admin or Printer settings management

When editing the monitoring filter to block manufacturers and models that have already had their printers registered, review the invetory to stop managing these devices.

When you delete the monitoring filter to block manufacturers and models that have already had their printers registered, review the inventory to stop managing these devices.

Filter monitoring by serial number or IP address

Installations > Services

Admin or Installation management


When you delete the block by serial number and/or IP address, the printers will be monitored again and the service will return to the list of printer installations.

IP printer search by fixed network address or search by unicast

Installations > Services

Admin or Installation management

If you edit the IP address incorrectly, the printer will no longer be monitored.

If you delete the IP address of a monitored printer, it will no longer be monitored.

IP printer search by broadcast address

Installations > Services

Admin or Installation management

Even if the IP address is edited incorrectly, the NDD Orbix portal will continue to monitor the printers located so far.

Even if the IP address is deleted, the NDD Orbix portal will continue to monitor the printers located so far.

Deactivate meters and supplies monitoring rule for printers in bulk

Settings > Monitoring

Admin or Printer settings management

Editing only allows you to change the rule's connection type. If you change the connection type of the rule, for example from network printers to USB printers, or vice versa, or from both to just one, the services of the printer type that were removed from the rule will start monitoring meters and supplies automatically.

To change other data in the rule, delete it and create a new one with the desired settings.

When you delete a rule, meters and supplies monitoring will automatically be activated in the services of the respective customer(s), and this data will start to be collected by the agent and sent to the portal for monitoring.

SNMP protocol from the printer service

Installations > Services

Admin or Installation management

When editing an SNMP protocol, only the network printers covered by the new configuration will be searched.

By deleting the protocol, the NDD Orbix portal will no longer monitor the printers that communicated via the deleted configuration.

Printer inactivity warning

Settings > Monitoring

Admin or Printer settings management

There isn't.

When you delete a customer's configuration, the default period of inactivity will be taken into account for that customer.

Additional fields in printers registration

Settings > Additional fields


Changing the name of the additional field will affect the registration of all the devices linked to it.

Once the additional field has been created, it is not possible to change the type of device associated with it.

The additional field and its contents will be permanently deleted from all device records linked to it.

Force capacity on supplies rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

When editing the rule, the NDD Orbix portal will check whether there is already a rule to force the product for the same model, type and color as the supply in question. If there is, a message will be displayed to confirm that if the force capacity rule is edited, the force product rule for the supply in question will be deactivated.

When excluding the rule, supply will use the capacity from the read as a parameter.


Supplies > Products > Inventory

Admin or Product management

There isn't.

When you delete the product, its history in demands and exchanges will be kept.

Replenishment service rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

When you delete a rule, the rule's settings will no longer be applied to the members it contains.

The Default rule cannot be deleted, but you can configure it to suit your needs.

Supply running low alert rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

When you delete a rule, the rule's settings will no longer be applied to the members it contains.

The Default rule cannot be deleted, but you can configure it to suit your needs.

Automatic supply demand request rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

When you delete a rule, the rule's settings will no longer be applied to the members it contains.

The Default rule cannot be deleted, but you can configure it to suit your needs.

Sending e-mail rule when generating a demand

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

When you deactivate the rule by editing it, the registration is maintained and the sending of emails is stopped until it is activated again.

By deleting the rule, the customers and recipients configured in it will not receive the emails with notices of open demands.

Customized demand status

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management


When you delete the status, it will also be removed from the active demands in which it is being used.

Automatic completion of demands rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

When you delete a rule, the rule's settings will no longer be applied to the members it contains.

The Default rule cannot be deleted, but you can configure it to suit your needs.

Supplie by production exchange rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

When you delete the rule, the members included in it will return to making supply exchanges based on the serial number or level indicators, if any.

The Default rule cannot be deleted, but you can configure it to suit your needs.

Ignore the serial number in automatic exchanges rule

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

When you delete the rule, the members included in it will once again be able to exchange supplies based on the serial number indicators.

The Default rule cannot be deleted, but you can configure it to suit your needs.

Reason to justify premature exchange

Settings > Supplies

Admin or Supply settings management

There isn't.

There isn't.


Settings > Meters

Admin or Meter settings management

Editing meters of the System type only allows you to enable or disable the rule.

When you delete the meter, its history will remain available, but the data will no longer be calculated from that action and it will no longer be possible to enable the meter again.

Meters of type System cannot be deleted.

Meter rule

Settings > Meters

Admin or Meter settings management

There isn't.

By deleting the rule, it will lose its membership.

Additional fields in computers registration

Settings > Additional fields


Changing the name of the additional field will affect the registration of all the devices linked to it.

Once the additional field has been created, it is not possible to change the type of device associated with it.

The additional field and its contents will be permanently deleted from all device records linked to it.


Print queues > Drivers

Admin or Driver administration

There isn't.

If you delete a driver, it can no longer be used on the NDD Orbix portal.

Only drivers that are not in use can be deleted.

User of the print queues functionality

Print queues > Users

Admin or User management (the print queues category)

Only the full name and e-mail address can be edited.

Deleting a user will uninstall the print queues on their computer(s). The user will only be deleted when all the print queues linked to them are effectively uninstalled.

Grouping of the print queue

Print queues > Groupings

Admin or Group Administration

Only the grouping description can be edited.

It is not possible to delete a grouping that is associated with one or more print queues (there is a column in the grid indicating the groupings in use). To delete the grouping, unlink it from all the print queues.

Removing printer queues per customer

Settings > Print queues

Admin or Print queue management


The default rule cannot be deleted.

When you delete the rule for a particular customer, the removal field will automatically be disabled in the record of all the print queues created in the portal for that customer.

Print queue

Print queues > Print queues

Admin or Print queue management

Once the print queue has been created, it is not possible to edit the port type. To make this adjustment, you will need to delete the existing print queue and create a new one with the desired port type.

When you delete the print queue, the computers/users will lose the link.

The print queue will remain in Pending deletion status until the computers/users linked to it have been deleted. After 24 hours, if the queue has not yet been deleted and remains in this status, the Force exclusion button will be enabled on the Installation status tab of the properties, for forced removal of the computers/users. Once all pending computers/users have been removed, the print queue will also be deleted.

SNMP protocol of the print queue

Settings > SNMP protocol

Admin or Administration of SNMP settings


The default setting cannot be deleted.

SNMP protocol of the EcoPrint

Settings > SNMP protocol

Admin or Administration of SNMP settings


The default setting cannot be deleted.

Saving rule

EcoPrint > Rules

Admin or Rule administration

The type of rule (default, customized or exclusion), the customer and the type of member (printers, model/manufacturer or print queues) cannot be edited. To make these adjustments, you will need to delete the rule and create a new one.

When you delete a rule, the members inserted in it will no longer have supply savings applied, unless the member is in another default or customized rule.

Alert rule

Settings > Alert rules

Admin or Manage alert rules

There isn't.

Once the rule has been deleted, the system will no longer issue this alert.

Custom report

Reports > Custom

Admin or Customized + Manage

There isn't.

There isn't.


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