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Manage user permissions

Learn how to set different levels of permissions for individual users or groups, restricting or granting access to certain system features and functionalities.

Permission levels

Permission levels determine what actions users can perform, what resources they can access and to what extent they can view or administer the system.

No permissions

Without being bound by any permissions, the user will have access to view the devices that are part of their context in the Devices > Inventory menu.

All specific permissions also grant this access.


This is the highest level of permission and grants full access and control over all features and functionality. Administrators have extended privileges and are responsible for managing and configuring the system, as well as performing maintenance and administration tasks.

It is important to remember that the administrator permission level should be assigned with care, as it grants access to critical and confidential system resources.


This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to customers, sites, units, groupings, users, administration of unmanaged devices, dashboards, reports and alerts.


View the client grid

  • View customers in the Administration > Customers menu grid

  • Open the customers' properties and view the Info tab

Client management

Grant the View the client grid permission together.

  • Create or edit customers

Department management

Grant the View the client grid permission together.

  • View the departments in the grid when opening a customer in the Administration > Customers menu

  • Create or delete customer departments


View site grid

Grant the View the client grid permission together.

  • View the sites in the grid when opening a customer in the Administration > Customers menu

  • Open the properties of the sites and view the tabs Info and Devices

Site management

Grant the View the client grid and View site grid permissions together.

  • Create, edit or delete sites

  • Set sites as default

  • Add devices to the site

  • Assign department to site devices


View unit grid

  • View the units and subunits in the Administration > Units menu grid

  • Open the properties of units and subunits and view the Info, Assignment Rules, Users and Devices tabs

Unit management

Grant the View unit grid permission together.

  • Create, edit or delete units and subunits


User management

  • View users in the Administration > Users menu grid

  • Open the user properties and view the Info, Permissions and Units tabs

  • Create, edit or delete users

Permission group management

  • View the permission groups in the Administration > Permission Groups menu grid

  • Open the properties of the permission groups and view the Info, Permissions and Users tabs

  • Create, edit or delete permission groups

Administer unmanaged devices

  • View unmanaged devices in the Devices > Unmanaged menu grid

  • Go back to managing devices in the Devices > Unmanaged menu

  • Stop managing devices in the Devices > Inventory menu

  • Open device properties


View Alert indicators

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Warnings category:

    • Alerts by criticality

View Printer indicators - Monitoring

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Printers - Monitoring category:

    • Monitoring - Online and offline

    • Monitoring - Online and offline by customer

    • Printer monitoring

    • Printer monitoring by customer

    • Total Printers - Monitored

    • Total printers - Online

View Thermal Printer indicators - Monitoring

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Thermal Printers - Monitoring category:

    • Thermal Printers - Online and Offline

    • Thermal Printers - Online and Offline by customer

View Printer indicators - Production

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Printers - Production category:

    • Average pages per printer

    • Daily production - last 30 days

    • Environmental impact

    • Printed pages

    • Prints by organization

View Printer indicators - Supplies

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Printers - Supplies category:

    • Demand planning

    • Premature exchanges

    • Supplies running low

View inventory indicators

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Inventory category:

    • Customers

    • Total printers

View Computers indicators - Monitoring

  • View, create, duplicate and edit the dashboards with indicators related to the Computers - Monitoring category

    • Computers - Active and inactive

    • Computers - CPU usage

    • Computers - Memory usage

    • Computers - Disk usage

    • Active and inactive computers by customer

    • Usage indicators by customer

Business Intelligence (Beta)

  • View the indicators available in the Business Intelligence menu

Viewing is conditional on licensing the functionality; without this license, even with the permission activated, it will not be possible to access the menu.

Segregation by units is not applied in this functionality. Therefore, users will view the indicators based on the data of all the portal's customers.



  • View, filter and generate the custom reports created by other users in public mode in the Reports > Custom menu grid


  • View, filter and generate predefined reports from the Reports > Predefined menu


Grant the Customized permission together.

  • Create, edit or delete the custom reports from the Reports > Custom menu


Grant the Predefined and/or Customized permissions together.

  • Export the reports generated in the Reports > Predefined and/or Reports > Custom menus


Viewing alert rules

  • View the alert rules in the Settings > Alert rules menu grid

  • Open the properties of the alert rules and view the Registration and Notifications tabs

Manage alert rules

Grant the Viewing alert rules permission together.

  • Create, edit or delete alert rules

View alerts

  • View alerts in the Warnings > Open, Warnings > Processing and Warnings > Closed menus grids

  • Open the alert properties and view the Info and History tabs

Manage alerts

Handle alerts

When this permission is selected, the View alerts permission will be checked automatically.

  • Send alerts for process in the Warnings > Open menu

Forward alerts

When this permission is selected, the View alerts permission will be checked automatically.

  • Forward alerts by e-mail in the Warnings > Open and Warnings > Processing menus

Close alerts

When this permission is selected, the View alerts permission will be checked automatically.

  • Close alerts in the Warnings > Processing menu


This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to computers.

View computer grid

  • View the computers in the Monitoring > Computers menu grid

  • Open the computer properties and view the Summary, Info, Performance, Location and Moves tabs

Disable management

Grant the View computer grid permission together.

  • Stop managing computers in the Monitoring > Computers menu

Edit computers

Grant the View computer grid permission together.

  • Edit the computer register


This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to the installations.

View Module and Service grids

  • View the modules and services in the Installations > Modules and Installations > Services menus grids

  • Open the module properties and view the Details, Services and Logs tabs

  • Open the service properties and view the Details, Printers and Logs tabs

  • Open the properties of the module services in the Services tab

  • Refresh the service and module logs

  • Export the service and module logs

Installation management

Grant the View the Modules and Services grids permission together.

  • Editing service settings

  • Configuring service logs

Service status

Service status grid view

  • View the Installations > Automatic updates > Service status menu

Updating services

Grant the Service status grid view permission together.

  • Press the Update button to automatically update the desired services

Services download

Grant the Service status grid view permission together.

  • Press the Donwload button to download the update file for the desired service

Update rules

Update rules grid view

  • View the Installations > Automatic updates > Update rules menu

Update rules management

Grant the Update rules grid view permission together.

  • Create, edit or delete update rules

Managing service rules

  • View the Installations > Enable services menu

  • Configuring service rules

Enable or disable general service rule

  • View the Installations > Enable services menu

  • Edit services to enable or disable them


This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to printers, supplies, meters and product compatibility.

Create printers

Grant the View printers permission together.

  • Create the printers manually in the Monitoring > Printers menu and in the Printers tab of a service's properties in the Installations > Services menu

View printers

  • View the printers in the Monitoring > Printers menu grid

  • Open the printer properties and view the Summary, Info, Meters, Supplies, Services and Moves tabs

  • Open the properties of the supplies in use and exchanged and view the Summary and Readings tabs

Edit Printers

Grant the View printers permission together.

  • Edit the printer register

Disable management

Grant the View printers permission together.

  • Stop managing printers in the Monitoring > Printers menu

Enable or disable monitoring

Grant the View printers permission together.

  • Stop monitoring or return to monitoring printers

Printer settings management

  • Manage all settings in the Settings > Monitoring menu

Enable or disable replenishment service

Grant the View printers permission together.

  • Activate or deactivate the replacement service when opening a printer in the Monitoring > Printers menu


Warning management

  • View the alerts in the Supplies > Supplies running low and Supplies > Premature exchanges menus grids

  • Open the properties of the supplies running low alerts and view the Summary, Historic and Readings tabs

  • Open the properties of the premature change alerts and view the Summary and Readings tabs

  • Request supply demands

  • Finish premature exchanges

Supply settings management

  • Manage all settings relating to supplies from the Settings > Supplies menu

Demand planning

  • View the demands in the Supplies > Demand planning and Supplies > Completed demands menus grids

  • Open the demand properties and view the Info and Historic tabs

  • Change product, change status, finish or refuse supply demands

  • Register customized demand statuses in the Settings > Supplies menu

Supplies in use

  • View all supplies in use in the Supplies > Supplies in use menu grid

Administration of product settings

  • Activate or deactivate the automatic registration of products and compatibilities in the Settings > Supplies menu


Insert meters

Grant the View printers permission together.

  • Add meters manually when opening a printer in the Monitoring > Printers menu

Meter settings management

  • View the meters in the Settings > Meters menu grid

  • Open the properties of the meters and view the Info and Rules tabs

  • Create, edit, delete, disable and enable meters

  • Create, edit or delete meter rules


Compatibility administration

Grant the View compatibility permission together.

  • Add or remove compatible and standard products from printers

View compatibility

  • View the compatibilities in the Supplies > Products > Compatibilities menu grid

  • See printer compatibility and view the Compatible products and Standard products tabs


This permission level will have full access to all product-related views and actions.


Product management

Grant the View products permission together.

  • Create, edit, delete and import products

View products

  • View the products in the Supplies > Products > Inventory menu grid

  • Open the product properties and view the Info tab

Print queues

This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to drivers, print queues and print queue users.


Driver administration

When this permission is selected, the View drivers grid permission will be checked automatically.

  • Create, edit or delete drivers

View drivers grid

  • View the drivers in the Print queues > Drivers menu grid

  • Open the driver properties and view the Info and Print queues tabs

The Print queues tab within the driver properties will only appear if the user has View print queues grid permission.

Print queues

Print queue management

When this permission is selected, the View drivers grid, View print queues grid, View user grid, View groupings grid and Administration of SNMP settings permissions will be checked automatically.

  • Create, edit or delete print queues

  • Changing the print queue drivers

  • Importing print queues

  • Force deletion of computers from the queue in the Installation status tab

View print queues grid

  • View the print queues in the Print queues > Print queues menu grid

  • Open print queue properties

  • View the Info and Installation status tabs

  • View the printers in the Print queues > Printers menu grid

Queue installation management

When this permission is selected, the View print queues grid, View user grid and View groupings grid permissions will be checked automatically.

  • Add or delete computers and groupings


User management

When this permission is selected, the View user grid permission will be checked automatically.

  • Create, edit or delete print queue users

View user grid

  • View users in the Print queues > Users menu grid

  • Open the user properties

  • View the Info and Print queues tabs


Group Administration

Grant the View groupings grid permission together.

  • Create, edit or delete groupings

View groupings grid

  • View the groupings in the Print queues > Groupings menu grid

  • Open the properties of the groupings and view the tabs Info, Members and Print queues

  • View the Groupings tab in the properties of the print queue users in the Print queues > Users menu

Thermal printers

This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to thermal printers and odometers.

View thermal printers

  • View the thermal printers in the Monitoring > Thermal printers menu grid

  • Open the thermal printers' properties and view the Summary, Info, Odometer and Moves tabs

Disable management

Grant the View thermal printers permission together.

  • Stop managing thermal printers in the Monitoring > Thermal printers menu

Edit thermal printers

Grant the View thermal printers permission together.

  • Edit the register of thermal printers


Insert odometers

Grant the View thermal printers permission together.

  • Add odometers manually by opening a thermal printer in the Monitoring > Thermal printers menu


This permission level will have full access to all views and actions related to EcoPrint.


Rule administration

When this permission is selected, the View rules grid and Administration of SNMP settings permissions will be checked automatically.

  • Create, edit or delete savings rules in the EcoPrint > Rules menu

View rules grid

  • View the savings rules in the EcoPrint > Rules menu grid

  • Open the rule properties and view the Info and Members tabs


This permission level will have access to specific settings.

SNMP protocol

Administration of SNMP settings

  • View the SNMP protocol settings in the Settings > SNMP protocol menu grid

  • Create or delete SNMP protocol settings in the Settings > SNMP protocol menu

How do I manage permissions?

You can manage permissions in four ways:

  • When creating the user

  • When editing the user

  • When creating a permission group

  • When editing a permission group

The permissions have a hierarchical architecture, meaning that if you select the highest level, the other permissions will already be selected.

EN - selecionar permissões.gif


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