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Remove print queues that were not created by the portal

The NDD Orbix portal allows you to remove print queues that were not created by the portal itself, both existing and future ones. This ensures that the complete management of print queues is carried out exclusively by NDD Orbix.

This setting is exclusive to printers connected via the network (TCP/IP).

Removal can be configured on specific print queues or all of the customer's print queues.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Print queue management permissions


Specific removal

To configure the removal of print queues that were not created by NDD Orbix in specific queues, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Print queues > Print queues menu

  2. Click on the Create > Create queue button in the top right corner

  3. Fill in the print queue data, as instructed at Create print queue, noting the following points:

  1. Click on the Save button to create the print queue and return to the grid, or on the Save and Open button to create the print queue and open its registration

  2. Install the print queue on the desired computers, grouping of computers, users and/or grouping of users

Print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal will only be removed on computers and users if:

  • the agent is installed on the computers

  • the service is enabled and configured for the respective customer

  • the print queue has been installed on the computers/users

  • communication between the agent and the portal has already taken place

Total removal

To configure the removal of print queues that were not created by NDD Orbix in all of the customer's queues, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Settings > Print queues menu

  2. Find the option Total print queue removal

  3. Click on the Open button

By default, the NDD Orbix portal will have a rule registered for all customers, but disabled. You therefore need to create specific rules to configure the removal of print queues for the desired customers.

  1. Click on the button ✚ in the top right-hand corner

  2. In the side tab, select the customers you want the print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal to be removed from

  3. Click the Add button to create the rules and remain on the add screen, or the Add and Close button to create the rules and return to the grid

  4. Create the print queue

  5. Install the print queue on the desired computers, grouping of computers, users and/or grouping of users

Once the rule has been created, the removal field will automatically be enabled in the register of all print queues created in the portal for the customer, whether existing or future. This field will remain active as long as the rule is enabled and cannot be deactivated.

If the rule is deleted, the removal field will automatically be disabled in existing print queues.

Print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal will only be removed on computers and users if:

  • the agent is installed on the computers

  • the service is enabled and configured for the respective customer

  • the print queue has been installed on the computers/users

  • communication between the agent and the portal has already taken place

To delete a rule, go to Edit or delete records.


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