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Create print queue

Print queues can be created individually or in bulk (for the same customer).

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Print queue management permissions


  1. Create the driver for use in the queue

  2. Go to the Print queues > Print queues menu

Create the queues individually

  1. Click on the Create > Create queue button in the top right corner

  2. Enter the data:

    1. Customer: select the desired customer

    2. Name: fill in the name of the queue
      TCP/IP and USB print queues with the same name cannot be installed on the same computer.

    3. Description: fill in the description of the queue, if desired
      This description will be displayed in the queue properties on the user's computer.

    4. Driver: select the driver created
      The driver must be compatible with the printer that will be linked to this print queue.

    5. Port type: select the port corresponding to the type of printer connection, whether TCP/IP or USB
      TCP/IP print queues: when the installation is by computers and/or grouping of computers, these queues will be installed on all the added computers that are connected to the printer via the network, according to the printer address and protocol provided. When the installation is by users and/or grouping of users, these queues will be installed on the computers on which the user logs in, which must be connected to the printer via the network, according to the printer address and protocol provided.
      USB print queues: when the installation is by computers and/or grouping of computers, these queues will be installed on all the added computers that will be or already are connected to the printer via USB. It is possible to install a USB queue on several computers, but each computer only supports one USB queue at a time. Installation by users y grouping of users is not possible with this type of print queue.

      1. If TCP/IP port is selected, fill in the following information:

        1. Printer address: select the type and fill in the field with the printer address
          The link between the print queue and the printer will be generated using the address entered.

        2. Protocol: select the print protocol used, whether RAW or LPR
          - When selecting the RAW protocol, enter the port number (it will already be filled in with port 9100 as the default, but you can adjust it).
          - When selecting the LPR protocol, enter the queue name with a maximum of 32 characters (it will already be filled in with the queue name previously entered in the register, but it is possible to adjust). This field does not allow spaces or special characters. Below, check the LPR byte count option if you want to enable LPR byte counting.

      2. If USB port is selected, no additional filling is required, considering that the USB port will be recognized automatically when the print queue is installed on the computer. For more details on how to install the print queue on the printer, go to Which USB printer is considered for the print queue installation?.

    6. Paper size configuration: enable this option if you want to configure the default paper size
      The paper size will prevail if the setting is enabled. Otherwise, it will follow the driver's default setting or the one defined by users.
      To apply the paper size configured on the NDD Orbix portal, the configuration must also be carried out physically on the printer.

    7. Enable advanced printing features: activate this option if you want to enable the advanced printing features provided by the driver
      These features vary depending on the driver selected.

    8. Remove print queues that were not created by Orbix: enable this option if you want print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal (existing or future) to be removed from the computer, according to the address configured in the Printer address field
      This setting is only available for TCP/IP print queues.

  1. Click on the Save button to create the print queue and return to the grid, or on the Save and Open button to create the print queue and open its registration.

  2. Install the print queue on the desired computers, groupings of computers, users and/or grouping of users

To edit or delete a print queue, go to Edit or delete records.

Importing queues in bulk (CSV)

  1. Click on the Create > Import file button in the top right-hand corner

  2. Download the CSV file template according to the desired protocol (RAW, LPR or USB)

  3. Fill in the CSV file, which has the following structure:

TCP/IP queues - RAW protocol:

Name (mandatory)

Description (optional)

PortAddress (mandatory)

DriverId (mandatory)

RawPortNumber (mandatory)

Queue name

Queue description

Queue address

The link between the print queue and the printer will be generated using the address entered.

Driver identification key
The driver must be compatible with the printer that will be linked to this print queue.

Queue port

TCP/IP queues - LPR protocol:

Name (mandatory)

Description (optional)

PortAddress (mandatory)

DriverId (mandatory)

LprQueueName (mandatory)

Queue name

Queue description

Queue address

The link between the print queue and the printer will be generated using the address entered.

Driver identification key
The driver must be compatible with the printer that will be linked to this print queue.

Queue name (maximum 32 characters)
This field does not allow spaces or special characters.

USB queues:

Name (mandatory)

Description (optional)

DriverId (mandatory)

Queue name

Queue description

Driver identification key
The driver must be compatible with the printer that will be linked to this print queue.

To find the driver identification key within the NDD Orbix portal:

  1. Go to the Print queues > Drivers menu

  2. Click on the name of the driver you are going to use in the file to open its properties

  3. Click on the Info tab

  4. Copy the code from the Driver ID field

  1. Save the CSV file

  2. Select the customer you want to install the queues for

  3. Select or drag the CSV file

  4. Click the Apply button

When importing LPR protocol queues, if you want to enable byte counting, edit the imported queues.

  1. Install the print queue on the desired computers, groupings of computers, users and/or grouping of users

To edit or delete a print queue, go to Edit or delete records.

Print queue status


The queue is not installed on any computer or user.


The queue was successfully installed on the computer(s) or user(s).


The queue has one or more computers/users that require attention. Check the installation status to assess the need for intervention.


Installation was not performed on all computers/users.


The queue has been marked for deletion.


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