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Configure meters

NDD Orbix works with 5 pre-configured meters, which cover the services charged by the providers and the calculation rules customized by manufacturer. These have been created based on the expertise acquired during our work with NDD Print MPS and our knowledge of the operations of the print outsourcing providers in our base.

Through the NDD Orbix portal, you can configure these meters and/or create new meters with the desired rules, so that the calculation is adapted to correctly reflect your billing services.

If you do not wish to create new meters, we recommend analyzing the rules of the pre-configured meters and, if necessary, adjusting their settings.

The pre-configured meters are A4 Mono, A4 Color, A3 Mono, A3 Color and Scan, and they are characterized as System type. Any meters created will be characterized as Custom.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Meter settings management permissions


  1. Configure the monitoring of network printers and/or USB printers

  2. Create customers

  3. Go to Settings > Meters

  4. Locate the Calculation rules for meters option

  5. Click the Open button

Configure meters of type System

When the provider is created in the NDD Orbix portal, the System type meters A4 Mono, A4 Color, A3 Mono and A3 Color will be enabled, while Scan will be disabled.

All meters of the System type will have their calculation rules for each manufacturer registered and with the flexibility of each rule enabled.

Except when necessary, we do not recommend modifying these meters or their rules, as the actions taken are irreversible.

  1. Click on the meter of the desired System type to open its properties

  2. Enable or disable the meter as required by the operation

  3. Analyze the meter's rule settings and, if necessary, create new rules, edit or delete existing default rules

When you delete a default rule from a meter of the System type, you will not be able to recover it. This action requires care and attention to avoid unwanted impacts.

Create a meter

  1. Click on the ✚ button in the top right corner

  2. Enter the meter name

  3. Click the Save button to create the meter and return to the grid, the Save and Open button to create the meter and open its settings, or the Save and Create button to create the meter and remain on the creation screen.
    The meter will be created with the status enabled.

  4. Create the meter rules

To edit or delete a meter, go to Edit or delete records.

Enable or disable a meter

There are two ways to enable or disable a meter:

1st way

Through the meter grid:

  1. Select the desired meter

  2. Click Disable to disable a meter with enabled status or Enable to enable a meter with disabled status

2nd way

By editing the meter:

  1. Click on the desired meter to open its properties

  2. Click on the Info tab

  3. Activate or deactivate the Status button to enable or disable the meter, respectively

  4. Click the Save button

Disabled meters are not shown in reports.


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