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Create supply running low alert rule

Allows you to configure the criteria for issuing the supply running low alert.

By default, the system will have a rule called Default applied to all members, which will alert you whenever the supply meets one of the following criteria:

  • Running low by: when less than 30 days

  • Yield: when it reaches 80%

  • Level: when less than 25%

These settings can be customized according to your needs.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Supply settings management permissions


Supply running low alerts can be generated by the criteria of:

Create rule by running low, yield and level criteria

  1. Go to Settings > Supplies

  2. Locate the Alert for supply running low option

  3. Click the Open button

Change default rule criteria

The NDD Orbix portal has a standard rule, called Default, which will be applied to all members of the system.

To change your criteria, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the rule name Default to open its properties

  2. Change the data of the desired criteria

  3. Click the Save button

Create a rule for specific members

If you want specific members to generate alerts based on other criteria, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the ✚ button in the top right corner

  2. Enter the name of the rule

  3. Enter the rule criteria
    The alert should be generated when:
    - the running low by less than or equal to X days
    - the yield reaches X percent of its capacity
    - the supply level is equal to or less than X percent

  4. Click the + Add button to add the members of the rule

  5. Select the members according to the desired hierarchy

  6. Click the Add button to add the member and remain on the add screen or the Add and Close button to add the member and return to the register

  7. Click the Save button to create the rule and return to the grid, the Save and Open button to create the rule and open its settings, or the Save and Create button to create the rule and remain on the creation screen

The specific rules will take precedence over the default rule.

To edit or delete a rule, go to Edit or delete records.

Create rule by specific load criterion

You can configure a rule to generate a supply running low alert when the load data from the supply reading is equal to the value registered in the rule.

This rule can use known printer codes that mean running low, such as -100, -3 or any other desired value to generate the alert.

  1. Go to Settings > Supplies

  2. Locate the Alert for supply running low based on specific load value option

  3. Click the Open button

Activate rule for all members

The NDD Orbix portal has a standard rule, called Default, which will be applied to all members of the system.

If you want all members to generate alerts based on a specific load, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the rule name Default to open its properties

  2. Enter the supply load that will be applied to all members

  3. Enable the rule to make it active

  4. Click the Save button

Create rule for specific members

If you want specific members to generate alerts for specific loads, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the rule name Default to open its properties

  2. Disable the rule to make it inactive

  3. Click the Save button

  4. Click the ✚ button in the top right corner

  5. Enter the name of the rule

  6. Enter the supply load that will be applied to the specific members

  7. Enable the rule to make it active

  8. Click the + Add button to add the members of the rule

  9. Select the members according to the desired hierarchy

  10. Click the Add button to add the member and remain on the add screen or the Add and Close button to add the member and return to the register

  11. Click the Save button to create the rule and return to the grid, the Save and Open button to create the rule and open its settings, or the Save and Create button to create the rule and remain on the creation screen

To edit or delete a rule, go to Edit or delete records.

Add exceptions to the default rule

If you want all members to generate alerts based on the specific default load configured, except for a few, follow the steps below:

  1. Configure and enable the Default rule, as instructed in Activate rule for all members

  2. Click the ✚ button in the top right corner

  3. Enter the name of the rule

  4. Disable the rule to make it inactive

  5. Click the + Add button to add the members of the rule

  6. Select the members according to the desired hierarchy

  7. Click the Add button to add the member and remain on the add screen or the Add and Close button to add the member and return to the register

  8. Click the Save button to create the rule and return to the grid, the Save and Open button to create the rule and open its settings, or the Save and Create button to create the rule and remain on the creation screen

The specific rules will take precedence over the default rule.

To edit or delete a rule, go to Edit or delete records.

Add or remove members from the created rule

  1. Click on the rule name to open its properties

  2. Click on the Members tab

To add members to the rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the ✚ button in the top right corner

  2. Select the members according to the desired hierarchy

  3. Click the Add button to add the member and remain on the add screen or the Add and Close button to add the member and return to the grid

To remove members from the rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the desired members

  2. Click the 🗑 button in the top right corner

  3. Click the Confirm button in the message box to confirm the removal

It is not possible to add or remove members from the Default rule, as it is intended to be applied to all members.


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