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Create print queue user

The creation of users of the print queue functionality is necessary in order to:

  • install the TCP/IP print queue on users and/or grouping of users

  • link user information (full name, logon and domain) to the print queue installed on computers and/or groupings of computers

Once the DCA and Cloud Connector agent has been installed on a computer, users accessing that computer will automatically be created in the NDD Orbix portal.

Users can also be created individually or via import.

To use this functionality, the DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be version 1.0.15 or higher.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or User management (the print queues category) permission


Create users automatically

  1. Install the DCA and Cloud Connector agent (version 1.0.15 or higher) on all the computers on which the print queues will or can be used

When a user accesses the computer and the data is synchronized between the agent and the portal, the user will be automatically created and will be available in the Print queues > Users menu.

The registration will include customer, logon and domain information, and it will be necessary to edit the registration to add full name and e-mail information if desired.

To edit or delete a user from the print queues functionality, go to Edit or delete records.

Create user individually

  1. Go to Print queues > Users

  2. Click on the Create > Create user button in the top right-hand corner

  3. Enter the data:

    1. Customer: select the desired customer

    2. Logon: fill in the identification of the user's access
      Do not use accents, symbols or spaces.

    3. Domain: fill in the domain to which the user belongs
      Do not use accents, symbols or spaces.

    4. Full name: enter the user's full name, if desired

    5. E-mail: enter the e-mail address linked to the user, if desired
      Do not use accents, symbols or spaces.

It is not possible to register more than one user with the same customer, logon and domain information.

  1. Click on the Save button to create the user and return to the grid, or on the Save and Open button to create the user and open their registration

  2. Install the print queue on the desired users

To edit or delete a user from the print queues functionality, go to Edit or delete records.

Import users in bulk (CSV)

  1. Go to Print queues > Users

  2. Click on the Create > Import file button in the top right-hand corner

  3. Download the CSV file template

  4. Fill in the CSV file, which has the following structure:

Logon (required)

Domain (required)

Name (optional)

Email (optional)

User access identification
Do not use accents, symbols or spaces.

Domain to which the user belongs
Do not use accents, symbols or spaces.

User's full name

E-mail address linked to the user
Do not use accents, symbols or spaces.

You can use a file with previously registered users, without having to delete them in order to perform a new import. When importing this file:

  • if the user is not yet registered, they will be registered

  • if a user is already registered with the same customer, logon and domain, but with different full name and/or email details, these details will be updated according to the new import

  • if there is already a user registered with the same customer, logon and domain, but with a blank full name and/or email address, the data will not be changed

  1. Save the CSV file

  2. Select the customer you want to link to the users

  3. Select or drag the CSV file
    The maximum file size allowed is 40mb.

  4. Click the Apply button

If there is incorrect data in the file, only users with the correct information will be registered. The portal will indicate the lines with incorrect data, allowing you to identify and correct the errors before proceeding with a new import.

  1. Install the print queue on the desired users

To edit or delete a user from the print queues functionality, go to Edit or delete records.

View groupings that the user has been added to

If the user has been added to one or more groupings, you can view them in their record.

  1. Click on the desired user's logon to open their properties

  2. Click on the Groupings tab

All the groupings to which the user has been added will be displayed.

Clicking on the name of a grouping will take you to its registration page.

View print queues linked to the user

Once the user has been installed in the print queues, you can view them in their record.

  1. Click on the desired user's logon to open their properties

  2. Click on the Print queues tab

You will see all the print queues assigned to this user, as well as the linked computers. In addition, the installation status of each computer will be displayed.

Clicking on the name of a print queue will take you to its registration page.


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