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Enable automatic registration of products and compatibilities

This setting allows products and compatibilities to be registered automatically using the readings taken from the printers.

The agent will automatically collect the supplies information from the printer readings and register them according to the data in the printer's internal memory.

Thus, using this option, products can be registered with all the data or not.

By default, this setting is disabled.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Administration of product settings permissions


  1. Configure monitoring of network printers and/or USB printers

  2. Activate the monitoring of alerts, supplies and meters of services

  3. Go to Settings > Supplies

  4. Find the option Automatic registration of products and compatibilities

  5. Click on the Edit button

  6. Enable the Automatic product registration field

  7. Enable the Automatic registration of compatibilities field
    Automatic registration of compatibilities will only be available for activation when automatic product registration is enabled.

  8. Click the Save button

The printer’s next read, the supplies will be linked to it according to the data in the device's internal memory.

To edit or delete a product, go to Edit or delete records.

For demand generation based on the level indicator, no additional configuration is required. However, to generate demands based on the running low by and/or production indicators, at least the capacity information must be duly registered in the system.

So, if you want demands to be generated based on running low by and/or production indicators, view the supply information to determine whether any additional configuration is required, as shown in the table below:

Data available on reading

 Additional settings according to the data available



Additional settings to generate demands based on level

Additional settings to generate indicators or demands based on running low by and/or production

No need

No need

No need

No need

No need

Need to register the product manually or force the capacity

No need

Need to register the product manually, force the capacity or force the product

The product's compatibility will be entered automatically according to the model read from the printer.


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