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Managing products

NDD Orbix offers an important differentiator: the registration of the product base used by the provider. This allows for the traceability of products, quantities shipped and available in stock, as well as making it possible to analyze management indicators, such as: product shipments and yields by manufacturer, incidence of premature exchange alerts by product, among others.

Printer supply data is captured according to the device's internal memory.

For NDD Orbix portal to operate correctly, the supplies data must be correctly identified according to the needs of the operation.

There are 2 ways of registering supplies in the system:

To generate demands based on the running low by and/or production indicators, at least the capacity information must be registered in the system. If the supply does not provide this information, it will be necessary to force the capacity or force the product.

However, to generate demands based on the level indicator, it is not necessary to register capacity.


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