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View users and devices linked to the print queue

The print queue will be linked to the computers and/or users added to it and, in the case of a TCP/IP connection, the queue will also be linked to the printer via the address provided when the queue was created.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Queue installation management (for computers), View user grid (for users) and View print queues grid (for printers) permissions


View the computers and users linked to the print queue

  1. Go to the Print queues > Print queues menu

  2. Click on the name of the desired print queue to open its properties

  3. Click on the Installation tab

This tab shows all the computers, computers groupings, users, and users groupings linked to the print queue.

To add or remove linked computers and users, go to Install print queue on computers and users.

Viewing the printer linked to the TCP/IP print queue 

The printer's link to the TCP/IP print queue is generated via the address entered when the queue was created.

Thus, once the print queue has been created and communication between the agent and the printers has taken place, it will be possible to view the printer in two ways:

1st way

In the grid or in the properties of the print queue:

  1. Go to the Print queues > Print queues menu

In the print queue grid, you can see some information about the printers linked to the print queues, such as their name and serial number.

To view more details about the printer, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the name of the desired print queue to open its properties

  2. Click on the Info tab

In Printer data, you can see the printer linked to the print queue, according to the registered Printer address.

To change the Printer address and, consequently, the printer's link to the queue, edit the print queue.

If the printer has not yet been found on the network, the columns will be filled with a hyphen (-).

2nd way

In the printer grid of the Print queues > Printers menu:

  1. Go to the Print queues > Printers menu

The grid will show all the printers with linked print queues.

To view the printer's info data, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the name of the desired printer to open its properties

  2. Click on the Info tab

To view the print queues linked to the printer, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the name of the desired printer to open its properties

  2. Click on the Print queues tab

Clicking on the name of the print queue will take you to its info page.

If the printers are not visible in the two ways mentioned above, review the default SNMP configuration or create custom SNMP protocol settings for specific customers to ensure communication between the agent and the printers.

By default, there is an SNMP protocol registered for all customers, v1/v2 public.


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