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Install print queue on computers and users

The print queue is installed on:

In all cases, the DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be installed on the computers.

These computers are registered when the DCA and Cloud Connector agent is installed and sends the information to the NDD Orbix portal.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Queue installation management permissions


  1. Install the DCA and Cloud Connector agent on all the computers on which the print queues will or could be used

Installing the agent is essential even when the print queue is used per user. If the user logs on to a computer where the agent is not installed, the print queue will not be configured on that device.

  1. Enable and configure the print queue service rules for the respective customer

  2. Create the print queue

  3. Create the users who will have the TCP/IP print queues installed, if you choose to install the queues per user

  4. Create the computers groupings and/or users groupings that will have the print queues installed, if you choose to install the queues per grouping

  5. Go to the Print queues > Print queues menu

  6. Click on the name of the desired print queue to open its properties

  7. Click on the Installation tab

  8. Click the Add button in the top right corner

  9. Click on one of the options to add computers, grouping of computers, users or grouping of users
    Installing users and/or grouping of users is only possible with TCP/IP print queues.

If you add a grouping of computers or grouping of users, the print queues will only be installed on the computers and users that belong to that grouping if:

  • the agent is installed on those computers, as instructed in step 2 of Create print queue grouping

  • the service is enabled and configured for the respective customer, as instructed in step 2 above

  • the communication between the agent and the portal has already taken place

  1. In the side tab, select the computers, grouping of computers, users or grouping of users (depending on the option selected in step 10 above) you want to install the queue on

When a grouping is added, the print queue will be installed on the current and future members of the grouping.

  1. Click on the Add button

To remove computers, grouping of computers, users or grouping of users from the print queue, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Installation tab, select the desired computers, users and/or groupings

  2. Click the 🗑 button in the top right corner

  3. Click the Confirm button in the message box to confirm the deletion

The print queue will be removed from the computers of the excluded members.

Installation status

Access this tab to check the installation status of the print queue.


The queue was successfully installed on this computer/user.


The queue is pending installation on this computer/user.


Installation was refused on this computer because there is already another USB print queue installed on it.

To proceed with the installation of this queue, remove the computer from the print queue to which it is currently linked.

However, if you prefer to keep the computer linked to the other print queue, remove it from this queue to resolve the status.

If the rejected computer belongs to a grouping that has been installed, you will need to remove it from the grouping to resolve the status.


The installation was not performed on this computer/user.


The changes made when editing the queue configuration are pending an update.


The queue has been marked for deletion from this computer/user.

The installation, update or deletion may take a few moments due to the synchronization process between the NDD Orbix portal and the DCA and Cloud Connector agent, as well as the installation of the files required to apply the print queue.

When the print queues are installed by users and/or grouping of users and the same user accesses more than one computer, all the computers accessed will be listed. The print queue will only be applied to the user linked to it. So if other users access the same computer and do not have the queue linked, it will not be applied to them.

When print queues are installed per computer and/or grouping of computers, the logon data, domain and user's full name will be automatically filled in with the information of the first user who logs on to that computer. However, for this to happen, this user must have previously been registered on the portal as a print queue user. If this user is later deleted from the portal, the logon data, domain and full name will be disassociated from the computer.


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