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Which print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal will be removed when the removal setting is active?

Print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal will be removed if they have the same address as the queue configured in the portal. For example, consider a printer with the following data:

  • IPv4 address:

  • IPv6 address: fdef:::/48

  • Hostname: hostname-printer

If in the NDD Orbix portal the Printer address field is filled in with the hostname hostname-printer, all print queues on the computer that have the addresses, fdef:::/48 or hostname-printer will be removed after this queue is installed by NDD Orbix.

The same applies if the Printer address field is filled in with the IPv4 ( or IPv6 (fdef:::/48) address of that printer.

If the network adapter responds to both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, it is not possible to convert an IPv4 address to IPv6. For this reason, the print queue that was not created by the NDD Orbix portal will not be removed automatically.

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