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Managing supply savings with EcoPrint

The NDD Orbix portal offers efficient management of supply savings through the EcoPrint functionality.

The use of EcoPrint requires prior configuration of the printer monitoring functionality.

To manage this saving, follow the steps below:

  1. Configure printer monitoring when:

    1. the rule is default;

    2. the rule is customized with printer members or model/manufacturer.

  2. Configure print queues management when the rule is customized with print queues members

  3. Install version 1.1.2 of the DCA and Cloud Connector agent on the devices where the saving rules are to be applied

The agent must be installed on the device where the print spool is generated. If you use a print server, install the agent on that server. Otherwise, install the agent on each computer where EcoPrint will be applied.

  1. Enable and configure the EcoPrint service rules

  2. Use a driver with the PCL6 language in the print queues of the printers where the saving rules (standard and customized) are to be applied

The NDD - Supply Watch service will monitor the Enable advanced printing features option in the driver properties and automatically disable it, even if it is re-enabled after the agent has been installed. Disabling this setting is a prerequisite for ensuring that savings are applied.

  1. Configure the SNMP protocol of the printers and TCP/IP print queues that will be covered by the rules

  2. Create the rules that customize the savings levels according to the specific needs of each customer


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