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Install the agent on Windows

To start monitoring your devices, it is essential to install the DCA and Cloud Connector agent. This installation can be done in two ways: manually or silently.

If the gateway is used for communication between the agent and the portal, install the Gateway Connector before installing the DCA and Cloud Connector agent.

Running the DCA and Cloud Connector requires two prerequisites: the Microsoft .NET Runtime and Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime applications. These applications provide the necessary components for the agent to work.

Before installing the agent, the installer will check whether the Microsoft .NET Runtime and Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime applications are already present on the computer. If not, the installer will automatically install these applications.

Do not uninstall the Microsoft .NET Runtime and Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime applications from the computer. Removing these applications will cause the DCA and Cloud Connector agent and its services to malfunction.


  1. Create the customers where the agents will be installed

  2. Check the installation prerequisites

  3. Download the agent installer:


Installing the agent manually

  1. Run the installed file

  2. Select the desired language and click on PrĂłximo

First, the prerequisites (Microsoft .NET Runtime and Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime applications) will be installed. If the applications are already installed on your computer, steps 3 to 5 will be skipped and the installation will proceed from step 6.

  1. Click Next on the prerequisite installation welcome screen

  2. Click Next to start installing the prerequisites

  3. Wait for installation

Once the prerequisites have been installed, the installation of the DCA and Cloud Connector agent will begin.

  1. Click Next on the agent installation welcome screen

  2. Choose the Installation folder and Work folder and click Next

  3. Enter the Provider name and Customer identification key and click Next

To find the provider name in the NDD Orbix portal, click above your name in the upper right corner. Under My Data, the provider name information will be displayed below your name.

To find the customer's identification key in the NDD Orbix portal:

  1. Go to the Administration > Customers menu

  2. Click on the name of the desired customer to open its properties

  3. In the Info tab, copy the Identification key

  1. Under Additional settings, if desired, select the type of communication (proxy or gateway) and click Next

    1. If no option is selected, communication will take place directly between the agent and the portal

    2. If Use proxy for communication with NDD Orbix servers is selected, enter the necessary proxy connection settings (address, port and authentication, if any) and click Next

    3. If Use Gateway Connector to communicate with NDD Orbix servers option is selected, enter the address (IP or hostname) of the computer/server where the Gateway Connector was installed and click Next
      The port will already be filled in with the default, but you can change it if you wish.

  2. Click Install

  3. Wait for installation and click Finish

Next, enable and configure the network printer monitoring service rules.

Install the agent silently

  1. Run the installation package via Command Prompt

    1. Navigate to the directory where the agent executable is located via Command Prompt

    2. Pass the name of the executable with the other parameters

C:\Downloads\DCA> NDD_DCAandCloudConnector_1.0.0.exe TENANTNAME=Company ORGANIZATIONNAME=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 /quiet

DCA and Cloud Connector silent installation parameters

APPDIR – Configures the installation directory of DCA and Cloud Connector

Setup option: Enter the path you want to install the product.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Installs in the default directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\NDD TECH\DCA and Cloud Connector).

Example: APPDIR=C:\test

WORKFOLDER – Configures the directory of the DCA and Cloud Connector workbook

Setup option: Enter the path you want to create the product's workbook.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Installs in the default directory (C:\NDD TECH\Workfolder).

Example: WORKFOLDER=C:\test

*TENANTNAME – Configures the name of the company registered on the server

Setup option: Enter the name of the provider in the field.

Requirement: Obligatory.

Behavior if not configured: Installation will not be performed.

Example: TENANTNAME=Company

*ORGANIZATIONNAME – Configures the EnterpriseKey of the company registered in the server

Setup option: Enter the provider's enterprise key in the field.

Requirement: Obligatory.

Behavior if not configured: Installation will not be performed.

Example: ORGANIZATIONNAME=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

ENABLEPROXYCONNECTION – Enables the use of the proxy

Setup option: true = enabled.

Requirement: Optional.

Behavior if not configured: Proxy will not be enabled (do not use the parameter if you do not want to enable the proxy).


**PROXYADDRESS – Configures the proxy server address

Setup option: Enter the proxy address in the field.

Requirement: If “ENABLEPROXYCONNECTION=true” the parameter is mandatory.

Behavior if not configured: Proxy configuration will not be set correctly.


**PROXYPORT – Configures the communication port of the proxy server

Setup option: Enter the port number of the proxy in the field.

Requirement: If “ENABLEPROXYCONNECTION=true” the parameter is mandatory.

Behavior if not configured: Proxy configuration will not be set correctly.

Example: PROXYPORT=12

AUTHPROXYCONNECTION – Enable proxy authentication

Setup option: true = enabled.

Requirement: If “ENABLEPROXYCONNECTION=true” the parameter is optional.

Behavior if not configured: No authentication will be set for the proxy.


**PROXYUSER – Configures the proxy server user

Setup option: Enter the user name to authenticate to the proxy server.

Requirement: If “ENABLEPROXYCONNECTION=true” and “AUTHPROXYCONNECTION=true” the parameter is mandatory.

Behavior if not configured: Proxy configuration will not be set correctly.

Example: PROXYUSER=TestUser

**PROXYPASSWORD – Set password for proxy server user

Setup option: Enter the password for the user to authenticate to the proxy server.

Requirement: In case “ENABLEPROXYCONNECTION=true” and “AUTHPROXYCONNECTION=true” the parameter is mandatory.

Behavior if not configured: Proxy configuration will not be set correctly.

Example: PROXYPASSWORD=password

The parameters with "*" are mandatory and must be observed.

The parameters with "**" may become mandatory depending on other parameters used.


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