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Monitoring network thermal printers

Learn how to make the settings to start monitoring network thermal printers on the NDD Orbix portal.


Step 1: install the agent

  1. Install the agent DCA and Cloud Connector

Step 2: enable and configure monitoring rules

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Managing service rules and Enable or disable general service rule permissions

When you install the agent, no service will be enabled. The next step is to enable the service according to your needs, so that the agent takes over the service and monitors the device.

  1. Go to the menu Installations > Enable services

  2. Enable the network thermal printer monitoring service

  3. Configure the rules for the computers that will have their network thermal printers monitored

For more information on how to enable and configure monitoring rules, go to Enabling and configuring service rules.

  1. Select the desired rule

  2. Click on the Configure button in the top right corner
    The button will only be enabled if the service is already synchronized. If the button is not enabled, synchronize the service and configure it later.

  3. Configure the service as instructed in Step 3: configure the service below

Step 3: configure the service

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Installation management permissions

Configure the service's thermal printer search (mandatory settings)

  1. Click on the Settings tab and then on Printer search
    Configuring the service's thermal printer search is necessary to define how the agent will be able to act in the customer's environment.

  2. Click + Add under Physical network addresses, under Search by unicast and/or under Broadcast addresses to add the IPs of the thermal printers that should be linked to the service, either manually or via import

To add the addresses for the broadcast search, you need to activate the configuration. When activated, NDD Orbix portal will perform an independent search to locate all the thermal printers available on the network automatically. If IP addresses are added, the system will perform the search both independently and by the IPs entered.

For more information on how to configure the IPs to search for the service's thermal printers, go to Configure service's thermal printer search.

  1. Review and change, if you wish, the times in Daily thermal printer search, so that the agent searches for the thermal printers registered by unicast and broadcast at the times you set
    By default, the times 09:00, 13:00 and 18:00 will be registered, but these times can be changed according to the needs of the operation.

For more information on the daily thermal printer search, go to Configure service's thermal printer search.

  1. Click the Save button to save your thermal printer search settings

  2. Click on the Start button under Thermal printer search if you want the search for thermal printers according to the configured IPs to be carried out immediately

For more information on the immediate thermal printer search, go to Force thermal printer search.

Configure service synchronization (optional settings)

  1. Click on the Settings tab and then on Synchronization

  2. Review and change, if you wish, the time interval at which the agent will Download settings and Sending monitoring reports
    By default, both settings are registered for every 04:00 (four hours), but these times can be changed according to the needs of the operation.

For more information on synchronization settings, go to Configure thermal printer service synchronization.

Configuring service monitoring (optional settings)

  1. Click on the Settings tab and then on Monitoring

  2. Review and change, if desired, the other monitoring settings
    By default, the settings are registered:
    - Thermal printer response time: 1m 0s
    - Use ping test to monitor: Enabled
    - Alert monitoring: Enabled
    - Odometer monitoring: Enabled
    But these settings can be changed according to the needs of the operation.

For more information on monitoring settings, go to Configure thermal printer service monitoring.

Configure service communication (mandatory settings)

  1. Click on the Settings tab and then on Communication

  2. Review, edit or add, if you wish, the communication settings necessary for communication between the portal and the thermal printers, and the consequent fetching of data by the agent
    By default, the settings are registered:
    - SNMP setting v1/v2 Admin
    - SNMP setting v1/v2 public
    But these settings can be changed according to the needs of the operation.

For more information on the communication, go to Configure thermal printer service communication.

Once all the above steps have been carried out, and the thermal printers have been read by the agent (if the immediate search for thermal printers has not been carried out), the network thermal printers covered by the enabled rules will automatically be monitored and available in the inventory.

For more information on how to view the inventory, go to View thermal printer inventory.

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