Force thermal printer search
Search for thermal printers at any time, according to the settings made, without the need to wait for the times defined in the daily search. This allows devices to be identified and registered immediately.
Settings only available for network thermal printers.
Quem pode usar este recurso
Usuários com a permissão Administrador ou Administração de instalações
Go to the Installations > Services menu
Click on the desired service to open its properties
Click on the Settings tab and Thermal printer search
In Printer search, click on the Start button
The thermal printer search will start. The number of thermal printers being found and synchronized will appear below.
If there is already a thermal printer search process in progress due to the synchronization settings made, it will not be possible to start a new search until the process is finished.
When the search for all thermal printers is complete, you will be informed below how many thermal printers have been found and the Start button will be enabled again to signal completion.
Clicking the Close button will stop the search for thermal printers. Synchronization will only take place on the thermal printers found at the time of termination.
For the sync to be performed on all thermal printers, wait for the search process to finish without clicking the Close button.
While the search for thermal printers is being carried out, you can browse the NDD Orbix portal without the process being interrupted.
In the Printers tab, you can view the thermal printers that are being or have been synchronized.