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Install the gateway on Windows

When communication between the DCA and Cloud Connector agent and the NDD Orbix portal is carried out using a gateway, it is necessary to install the Gateway Connector before installing the DCA and Cloud Connector agent.


  1. Create the customer where the gateway will be installed

  2. Check the installation prerequisites

  3. Download the Gateway Connector installer:


  1. Run the installed file

  2. Select the desired language and click on Next

  3. Click Next on the installer's home screen

  4. Choose the Installation folder and Work folder and click Next

  5. Enter the Provider name and Customer identification key and click Next

To find the provider name in the NDD Orbix portal, click above your name in the upper right corner. Under My Data, the provider name information will be displayed below your name.

To find the customer's identification key in the NDD Orbix portal:

  1. Go to the Administration > Customers menu

  2. Click on the name of the desired customer to open its properties

  3. In the Info tab, copy the Identification key

  1. Enter Proxy settings if it is required, and click Next

  2. Click Install

  3. Wait for installation and click Finish

  4. Install the DCA and Cloud Connector agent on the devices:

All devices where the DCA and Cloud Connector agent is installed must point to the address (IP or hostname) of the computer/server where the Gateway Connector was installed.


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