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Create print queue computer

The creation of computers for the print queue functionality is necessary to install the print queue on computers and/or groupings of computers.

Once the DCA and Cloud Connector agent has been installed on a computer, it will automatically be created in the NDD Orbix portal.

Computers can also be created by grouping import. In this case, if the DCA and Cloud Connector agent is not yet installed on the computer and the grouping is added to the print queue, the queue will only be installed after the agent has been installed.


  1. Install the DCA and Cloud Connector agent on all the computers on which the print queues will or can be used

  2. Enable and configure the print queue service rules

When the data is synchronized between the agent and the portal, the computer will be automatically created and will be available for inclusion in a grouping or directly in the print queue.

  1. Install the print queue in the desired computers


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