Configuring rules for demand management
Before starting to manage supply demands, it is necessary to analyze and review some settings that will influence this process.
Replenishment service rule: only members who have this rule enabled can generate supply alerts and carry out demand planning.
By default, NDD Orbix portal will have a rule enabled for all members for toner and cylinder supplies.
If you wish, you can adjust existing rules or create customized rules, depending on the needs of your operation.Supply running low alert rule: determines the criteria for issuing the supply running low alert.
By default, NDD Orbix portal will have a rule that alerts using the following criteria:
- Running low by: when it is less than 30 days old
- Yield: when it reaches 80%
- Level: when less than 25%
If you wish, you can adjust the existing rules or create customized rules, according to the needs of the operation.Automatic demand request rule: when configured, a demand will automatically be requested for the supply on alert, without going through the request stage.
Send e-mail rule when a demand is generated: when configured, the recipients entered in the rule will receive an e-mail when the demand goes into planning, according to the linked members.
This rule can also be used to enable the demand to be closed when the e-mail is sent. In other words, when the supply demand is requested, the demand will be automatically terminated and will not go through the planning stage.Customized demand statuses: when configured, at the planning stage, it is possible to change the status of the demand to identify the stages in the flow of active demands.
Automatic completion of demands rule: when configured, the system will automatically complete the demand when it detects a supply change in the printer, as long as it is the same type and color, eliminating the need for manual intervention.