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Remove print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal

The NDD Orbix portal allows you to remove print queues that were not created by the portal itself, whether they already exist or are in the future. This ensures that the complete management of print queues is carried out exclusively by NDD Orbix.


To preserve certain print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal, follow the instructions in the article Add exception to the removal of print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal before proceeding.

  1. Go to the Print queues > Print queues menu

  2. Click on the Create > Create queue button in the top right corner

  3. Fill in the print queue data as instructed in Create print queue, noting the following points:

  1. Click on the Save button to create the print queue and return to the grid, or on the Save and Open button to create the print queue and open its registration

  2. Install the print queue on the desired computers, grouping of computers, users and/or grouping of users

After installation, print queues without the #Allowed comment will be removed from the computer.

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