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Add exception to the removal of print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal

When a TCP/IP print queue is created in the NDD Orbix portal with a certain address and the setting to remove queues that were not created by the portal is active, when installing this queue on the desired computers, all print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal with the same address will be removed from the computer.

However, it is possible to add exceptions so that certain print queues are not removed.


If print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal already exist on the computer, follow the instructions below before installing the queue created in the portal.

If the print queue is configured directly in Windows after installing the queue created by the NDD Orbix portal, follow the instructions below within 5 minutes of configuring the queue in Windows. Otherwise, the queue will be automatically removed.

  1. In Windows, access the print queue that was not created by the NDD Orbix portal

  2. In the print queue properties, click on the General tab

  3. In the Comment field, enter the following information:


  1. Click on the OK button

Print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal with the comment #Allowed will be added to the exception and will not be removed from the computer.

If you later want these queues to be removed, simply remove the #Allowed comment.

Once removed, print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal cannot be restored.

It is not necessary to add the comment to print queues created by the NDD Orbix portal. The management of these queues, including deletion, is done directly by the portal.

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