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Devices monitoring

The devices that are managed by the NDD Orbix are: printer, thermal printer and computer. For the correct system operation, it is essential that the data collection agent is correctly installed and communicating with the devices, as the data collected is a requirement for managing the operation.

NDD Orbix with DCA and Cloud Connector agent

To manage the devices, it is necessary to install the DCA and Cloud Connector monitoring agent, the purpose of which is to collect and send data from the device to the NDD Orbix.

The data is captured from the devices by the services and then sent to the cloud, where it is processed and forwarded to the NDD Orbix, as exemplified by the flow:


NDD Orbix from an integration with NDD Print MPS and already installed agents (NDD Print Host and NDD Print Agent)

The integration of NDD Orbix with NDD Print MPS allows the management of conventional printers and does not include the management of computers and thermal printers.

NDD Print MPS already uses data collection agents such as NDD Print Host and NDD Print Agent. To facilitate the implementation of NDD Orbix without the need to install a new agent, we have developed an integration between NDD Print MPS and NDD Orbix. This integration synchronizes the data captured by the agents, simplifying the transition to the new system.

The files captured by the agents are intercepted before being processed by NDD Print MPS. A copy of these files is sent to NDD Orbix for processing. Data synchronization occurs automatically: when a provider is registered in the integration tool, the data of all the companies linked to it is synchronized. NDD Orbix creates companies based on the EnterpriseKey in the file sent by the agents. The flow is shown below:


The quality of the data is essential for NDD Orbix to function correctly. For this reason, the data collected by the agents is analyzed and cut. For synchronization to take place, a minimum version of the agents is required:

  • NDD Print Host: version 5.25.0 or higher

  • NDD Print Agent: version 5.15.0 or higher

Only data originating from these versions will be synchronized.

Device inventory

Once the agent has read the data, NDD Orbix makes available to the provider the inventory of their devices, showing the quantity and where they are.


This feature allows the provider to visualize the movements to know where the devices are allocated, as well as the entry and exit history of the customers through which they have passed. 

It is possible to generate an inventory report by exporting device grids. 


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