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Monitoring computers

Learn how to make the settings to start monitoring computers on the NDD Orbix portal.


Step 1: install the agent

  1. Install the agent DCA and Cloud Connector

Step 2: enable and configure monitoring rules

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Managing service rules and Enable or disable general service rule permissions

When you install the agent, no service will be enabled. The next step is to enable the service according to your needs, so that the agent takes over the service and monitors the device.

  1. Go to the menu Installations > Enable services

  2. Enable the computer monitoring service

  3. Configure the rules for the customers and computers that will have their computers monitored

For more information on how to enable and configure monitoring rules, go to Enabling and configuring service rules.

Once all the above steps have been carried out, and once the computers have been read by the agent, the computers covered by the enabled rules will automatically be monitored and available in the inventory.

For more information on how to view the inventory, go to View computer inventory.


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