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Premature exchances management

To ensure the profitability of the operation, it is essential that printer supplies are used in full. When a supply is removed from the printer with 50% remaining, this represents a waste of 50% of the amount invested in the input. That's why it's crucial that replacement only takes place when the charge is as close to 0% as possible.

NDD Orbix supports the provider in this process by continuously monitoring supplies and issuing alerts whenever a supply is removed before reaching the load limit established as acceptable. These alerts allow the provider to identify premature exchanges and take steps to recover or reuse supplies, thus reducing financial losses.

To configure the feature, go to Configure and manage premature exchange alerts.


Alerts for supplies that have been exchanged prematurely

In addition, NDD Orbix offers the possibility of generating reports, both predefined and customized, detailing the premature exchanges made. These reports help the provider analyze the history of replacements and implement optimization strategies to increase efficiency and savings in the use of supplies.


Personalized report of premature exchanges


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