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Premature exchances management

For the provider's operation to be profitable, it is essential that the supplies are used in their entirety. A supply that is removed from the printer with 50% charge remaining represents a loss of 50% of the amount invested in the part. For this reason, it is important that supplies are only replenished when they are as close to 0% as possible. 

In this context, NDD Orbix helps the provider in the recovery of parts and, consequently, in financial savings. That's because it monitors supplies and always alerts when one of it is removed with a load lower than what is registered as acceptable, which allows the provider to know and act in these situations to recover the supply. 


Alerts for supplies that have been exchanged prematurely


Finalizing an alert

In addition, NDD Orbix makes it possible to generate predefined or customized reports on supplies that have been exchanged prematurely.


Personalized report of premature exchanges


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