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Filter printer monitoring by serial number or IP address

The monitoring filter allows you to specify which serial numbers or IP addresses you want to block the monitoring of printers so you can determine which services will not monitor the device.

  • Block filter by serial number (available for network and USB printers): will block monitoring of the printer that has the serial number entered

  • Block filter by IP address (available for network printers): will block monitoring of the printer that has the IP address entered

If the printer's IP is changed and the new IP is not blocked, the printer will be monitored again. However, if the IP is static, the printer will remain blocked.

If the blocked IP is transferred to another printer, the printer that received the IP will have its monitoring blocked.

The monitoring filter can be set up in two ways:

  • By service, allowing several printers to be blocked at the same time

  • By printer, allowing you to block the services that monitor that printer

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Installation management permissions


Filter by service

  1. Access the Installations > Services menu

  2. Click on the desired service to open its properties

  3. Click on the Settings tab and the Monitoring option

  4. Choose the desired option, either Block Filter by Series or Block Filter by IP Address

  5. Click the + Add button

  6. Enter the printer's serial number or IP address, depending on the option chosen in step 6

  7. Click the Add button to add the serial number/IP address and remain on the add screen, or the Add and Close button to add the serial number/IP address and return to the register

  8. Repeat the action as many times as necessary until you have added all the desired blocks

To edit or delete a filter, go to Edit or delete records.

Filter by printer

  1. Access the Monitoring > Printers menu

  2. Click on the name of the desired printer to open its properties

  3. Click on the Installations tab

  4. Select the desired service

  5. Click on the Blocking button

  6. Choose the desired option, either Block by series or Block by IP address

  7. Click the Confirm button in the message box to confirm the action

The blocks made per printer will be listed in the settings of the respective services, and it is possible to remove the block from this list so that the printer can be monitored again.


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