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Add or remove a meter reading manually

Through the NDD Orbix portal, you can add or remove a meter reading manually, depending on the needs of the operation.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Insert meters permissions


  1. Configure the meters

  2. Go to the Monitoring > Printers menu

  3. Click on the name of the desired printer to open its properties

Add or remove a reading meter

  1. Click on the Meters and Readings tab

  2. Set the date in the calendar to the day on which you want to add or remove the reading

  3. Click on the ✚ button

  4. Add or adjust the values in the desired meters, or remove a meter using the ❌ icon

  5. Click the + Add meters button if you want to add the reading of more meters that are not in the list

  6. Click the Save button

The changes will only be applied to the selected day.

Add or remove a system or custom meter

  1. Click on the Meters tab and Meters

  2. Set the date in the calendar to the day on which you want to add or remove the reading

  3. Click on the ✚ button

  4. Add or adjust the values in the desired meters, or remove a meter using the ❌ icon

  5. Click the Save button

The changes will only be applied to the selected day.


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