September 2024
These are the September 2024 release notes of NDD Orbix.
See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.
NDD Orbix portal:
DCA and Cloud Connector agent:
DCA and Cloud Connector agent:
DCA and Cloud Connector agent:
NDD Orbix portal:
Contact information for the person responsible for the computer
Additional fields in the customized computer inventory report
September 26, 2024
Incorrect date format in the computer's performance graph
In the graph on the Performance tab in a computer's properties, some dates were displayed incorrectly when using the system with English (South Africa) or English (United States) regional settings.
The date formatting has been corrected to correctly respect the user-defined culture.
Display of thermal printer asset was not reflected in inventory
When registering the asset of a thermal printer in the Info tab of the Monitoring > Thermal printers menu, the information was not reflected when viewing the properties of that same printer in the Devices > Inventory menu.
This behavior has been corrected, ensuring that the asset information is correctly reflected in the Devices > Inventory menu.
September 25, 2024
Failure when using PING to search for devices (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
A failure occurred in the scheduled or forced search for devices during the PING routine to check for connected/disconnected devices.
The return behavior of the PING information has been corrected, allowing the proper search for devices.
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.7 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.7, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
Failure to search for devices using SNMP v3 due to response translation (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
A failure occurred in the scheduled or forced search for devices using only SNMP v3 during the sending/capture of the devices' MAC address.
We have changed the translation of the response bytes when using SNMP v3 in the communication, allowing the proper search for devices.
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.6 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.6, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
September 23, 2024
New features
DCA and Cloud Connector agent available for Linux operating systems
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent is now available for installation on Linux operating systems. This expansion will allow users to use our agent in a wider variety of environments, providing greater flexibility and monitoring capacity.
At the moment, the Linux agent includes monitoring of network printers (NDD - Printer Monitor service).
To install the agent on Linux operating systems, go to Configuring the agent on Linux. Remember to check the Agent installation prerequisites before starting.
To start monitoring network printers after installation, go to Monitoring network printers.
Failure to search for devices using SNMP v3 due to credential validation (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
A failure occurred in the scheduled or forced search for devices using only SNMP v3.
The credential validation has been adjusted to ensure the correct use of SNMP v3, allowing the proper search for devices.
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.5 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.5, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
September 19, 2024
Failure to monitor Brother devices (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
A failure occurred when monitoring meters and supplies for Brother equipment, specifically when translating information into hexadecimal.
The fix was made by adjusting the coding method used to translate the information.
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.4 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.4, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
Failure to search for devices using SNMP v3 due to communication validation (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
A failure occurred in the scheduled or forced search for devices using only SNMP v3.
The communication validation has been adjusted to ensure the correct use of SNMP v3, allowing the proper search for devices.
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.4 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.4, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
Approved network printers (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
Meters and supplies capture | |
Epson | WF-M5899 Series |
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.4 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.4, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
Approved USB printers (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor USB)
Meters and supplies capture | Supplies capture only | |
Brother | HL-L6410DN | - |
HP | - | Laser 107a |
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.4 and the NDD - Printer Monitor USB service to version 1.1.2, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
Adjusted network printers models (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)
Meters and supplies capture | |
Brother | MFC-L9630CDN |
Canon | iR-ADV C5051 |
Katun | ARIVIA C2130 |
Xerox | VERSALINK C8000 |
Lexmark | MX632adwe |
Epson | WF-C5890 Series |
The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.4 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.4, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.
September 16, 2024
New features
Importing user groupings
Importing user groupings into NDD Orbix makes managing and setting up print queues much simpler and more efficient, reducing operational effort and speeding up the process.
Now, you can import and register or update several groupings and users for a customer at once. The import file can be reused to add new groupings and users or update existing ones, without having to edit them manually.
It is also possible to include users who are not yet registered in the system. During the import, these new users will be automatically registered and linked to the corresponding groupings.
For more details on how to use this functionality, go to Create print queue grouping.
Access to multiple providers by the same user
With the new functionality, users can access the portal from multiple providers using a single account. This means that there is no longer any need to create multiple accounts to access different providers, simplifying their experience on the NDD Orbix portal and eliminating concerns about sharing credentials.
Upon registering with a new provider, the user will receive an informational email. In the right-hand side menu, a section called Providers will be enabled, where you can easily navigate between the providers linked to the account. The management of user permissions must be configured separately for each provider.
New dashboard in Business Intelligence: Computers
A new dashboard integrated into Power BI is available: Computers. It provides a comprehensive and detailed view of the managed computer park, allowing you to monitor and analyze various relevant indicators, such as:
total computers managed
total customers
number of active and inactive computers
evolution of the number of computers over time
number of computers by manufacturer and model
number of computers per customer
location of computers (visual and described)
With Power BI's interactive layout, you can explore the metrics intuitively, apply dynamic filters and customize the view according to your specific analysis needs. This dashboard enables strategic decision-making, simplifying the management of the computer park.
For more information on using the new functionality, visit Visualize the indicators of business intelligence.
To access this functionality, you need to obtain a license.
New endpoint for returning alerts in the Computers API
The Computers API now offers a new endpoint that allows you to consult the alerts generated in the provider, facilitating the analysis and management of incidents, and helping to maintain control over the infrastructure.
Endpoint: 'GET /v1/alerts'
The alert results can be filtered based on the following criteria ($filter parameter):
Customer (customerName): alerts generated on a specific customer (example: customerName eq 'customer 01').
Status (status): open, in process or closed alerts (example: status eq 'Dealing').
Open by period (openingDate): alerts open in a specific period (example: openingDate eq 2024-09-16T19:05:52.8781366Z).
Closed by period (closingDate): alerts closed in a specific period (example: closingDate eq 2024-09-16T23:00:45.8781366Z).
Computer (deviceName): alerts generated on a specific computer. (example: deviceName eq 'computer 01').
Criticality (criticality): light, moderate or critical alerts. (example: criticality eq 'Moderate').
The endpoint query returns detailed data on each alert that has been active since 09/16/2024:
Alert name
Opening date
Closing date
Opening time
Alert description
Device name
IP address
Serial number
For more information on this endpoint, access the API Swagger available at Computers API.
Automatic reactivation of unmanaged devices
When an unmanaged device is moved between customers, it will automatically be managed again.
This improvement eliminates the need for manual intervention, simplifying the management process and ensuring that all devices are monitored.
Contact information for the person responsible for the computer
In order to make it easier to manage computers by identifying the person responsible for each device, the following fields have been added to the register:
Name of person responsible
E-mail of person responsible
Phone of person responsible
These fields allow you to quickly identify and contact the person responsible for the computer whenever necessary.
The information can be entered directly into the NDD Orbix portal, as instructed in View computer inventory, or entered/updated and consulted via the Computers API, using the following endpoints:
Update endpoint: 'PATCH /v1/computers/{computerId}'
Query endpoint: 'GET /v1/computers'
Link site and department in computer properties
To simplify linking a site and department to a computer, it is now possible to make the association directly from the Info tab in the device's properties.
This improvement makes it easier to organize and manage computers, ensuring that each device is correctly associated with its location. It also reduces the need to access other system menus, making the process faster and more efficient.
Additional fields in the customized computer inventory report
The aim is to make it possible to view additional fields when extracting customized Computer inventory reports.
To do this, the implementation was carried out so that the additional fields can be added as columns in the report.
Password recovery for non-activated users
If a new user tries to recover their password on the NDD Orbix portal before activating their account via the welcome email, they will be prompted to contact their system administrator.
The user has up to 72 hours after creating the account to activate it via the welcome email and set their password. If this period expires, or if the welcome email is deleted or lost, the administrator will need to delete the user and create them again so that a new activation email can be sent.
Inconsistency in the data of some indicators
Some indicators in the Dashboard menu (Total printers, Total printers - Monitored, Total printers - Online, Printer monitoring, Monitoring - Online and Offline, Monitoring - Online and Offline by customer and Printer monitoring by customer) showed divergent and outdated values in relation to the data displayed in the grid in the Monitoring > Printers menu.
This was due to incorrect processing of some data during synchronization between the printers module and the dashboard module.
To correct this problem, we have refactored the way in which printer data is obtained directly from the related database. Now, the data will be presented in real time, ensuring accuracy and reflecting the reality of the provider's printer fleet.
Inconsistency in grouping some columns
When grouping the grid in the Monitoring > Printers menu by Status and Customer columns, the grid crashed and wouldn't allow the groups to be expanded to display the printers.
This problem was solved by updating the component, ensuring that grouping works correctly.