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Start, stop or restart service

The functions to start, stop or restart services are used to control their execution:

  • Start: run the service if it is stopped

  • Stop: interrupt the execution of the service

  • Restart: stop and start the service

These actions can be carried out via the Windows settings.

  1. Press Windows + R

  2. Type services.msc in the Run box

  3. Click the OK button or press the Enter key

  4. Locate the desired services

  5. Right click on the service

  6. Click Start, Stop or Restart

In addition, NDD Orbix offers remote actions, which are a way of interacting remotely with the services installed on customers, making it possible to send the command to start, stop, restart or update a service via the NDD Orbix portal.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Installation management permissions


  1. Access the Installations > Services menu

  2. Click on the desired PBI 91956to open its properties

  3. Click on the Details tab

  4. Locate Remote Actions

  5. Start, stop or restart the service as desired

Remote actions on services take an average of 10 seconds to complete.


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