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November 2024

These are the November 2024 release notes of NDD Orbix.

See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.

November 18, 2024

NDD Orbix portal:




DCA and Cloud Connector agent:





Gateway Connector:


November 04, 2024

NDD Orbix portal:


November 01, 2024

NDD Orbix portal:


November 18, 2024

New features

Supplies forecast

The main objective of NDD Orbix supplies forecast is to accurately predict the quantity of supplies needed for printers in a specific period, ensuring efficient stock management and purchasing planning. This makes it possible to avoid shortages or excesses of supplies, reduce operating costs and optimize negotiations with suppliers.

The feature uses historical consumption data and current printer usage patterns to calculate future demand for supplies. Based on this analysis, managers and analysts can predict when and how much supply will be needed, ensuring the continuity of operations without interruption. In addition, the feature facilitates strategic purchasing planning, enabling more advantageous negotiations with suppliers by making it possible to purchase on a larger scale.

The functionality enables:

  • Highly predictive forecasting of supply needs, enabling purchasing, replenishment and strategic planning through cost visibility.

  • Customization of the forecast, with flexible settings.

  • Simulation of scenarios, making it possible to predict different situations.

  • Data export in CSV, making it easier to integrate the forecast with other areas of the company.

For more information on the functionality, go to Supplies replenishment.

For more details on how to generate the forecast and view the analyses, go to Generate supplies forecast.

Removal of all customer print queues that were not created by the portal

We have implemented a new global setting that allows you to automatically remove all TCP/IP print queues that were not created by the NDD Orbix portal for a specific customer, extending control over the print environment and simplifying queue management.

Previously, automatic queue removal was only possible for a specific queue; now, global setting allows the removal to be applied to all of a customer's print queues, ensuring that only those created by the NDD Orbix portal are available.

The main benefits of the functionality are:

  • Standardization: only queues created by the NDD Orbix portal are retained, ensuring consistent configuration throughout the printing environment.

  • Environment sanitization: makes it easier to clean up obsolete queues, especially when starting a new contract, by making the environment exclusive to NDD Orbix queues.

  • EcoPrint: the removal of external queues avoids driver conflicts, ensuring the continuous application of saving rules.

The rule for removal can be enabled in Settings > Print queues. Once created, the removal field will be automatically enabled in the register of all print queues created by the NDD Orbix portal, applying to both current and future queues. This field will remain active as long as the rule is enabled and cannot be deactivated manually.

If the rule is removed, the removal field will be automatically disabled in all of the customer's existing print queues.

For more information on this setting, go to Remove print queues that were not created by the portal.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Print Queue service to version 1.2.0, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Alerts for Honeywell thermal printers

It is now possible to configure alerts for Honeywell thermal printers directly in NDD Orbix. With the exception of the Cold printhead and Printhead shutdown alerts, the other alerts are compatible with Honeywell equipment. This allows for more efficient monitoring, guaranteeing continuity of operations.

In addition, new alerts have been added:

  • Low label: indicates that the label or media roll is below the configured limit.

  • Low ribbon: indicates that the ribbon roll is below the configured limit.

  • Cutter jammed: indicates that the printer's cutter is stuck and not working properly.

  • No ribbon: indicates that the ribbon has run out.

  • No label: indicates that the paper or print media has run out.

  • Replace printhead: indicates that the print head needs to be replaced.

  • Clean printhead: indicates that the print head needs to be cleaned.

To generate the alerts Replace printhead, Clean printhead, Thermistor fault, Low label and Low ribbon in the NDD Orbix portal on Honeywell printers, you must configure them beforehand on the device's web page. Go to Configure the alerts replace printhead, clean printhead, thermistor fault, low label or low ribbon on Honeywell thermal printers for more details.

The new alerts are not compatible with printers from the manufacturer Zebra.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Thermal Monitor USB service to version 1.2.0, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Viewing alerts in the properties of network or USB printers

In addition to the alerts menu, it is now possible to view and manage alerts directly in the printers' properties, bringing more agility and efficiency to the system operation process.

This update allows the provider to

  • Proactivity in resolving problems, as monitoring alerts becomes more accessible and efficient.

  • Reduced operating costs, as problems can be identified and resolved before they impact the service.

  • Increased operational efficiency and, consequently, the quality of the service provided.

  • Analysis of the device's alert history, helping to detect recurring problems.

To view device alerts, go to the Monitoring > Printers menu:

  • In the menu grid, the Warnings column has been added, which displays icons indicating the degree of criticality of the alerts open or in progress for the device.

  • On the Summary tab of the device's properties, there is a new Active alerts indicator, which displays the list of open or in-process alerts.

  • The Warnings tab has been added to the device properties, displaying all alerts (open, in progress and closed). From this tab, you can view the properties of an alert, forward it by e-mail or send it for processing.

For more information on how to view and manage alerts in the device properties, go to View printer inventory.

Implementation of error codes in the logs (Service: NDD - Supply Watch)

New error codes have been implemented in the NDD - Supply Watch service logs to improve problem identification and resolution, providing greater clarity and making it easier to find solutions more efficiently.

To consult the logs, go to the Installations > Modules or Installations > Services menus. When you identify an error code, consult the Troubleshooting documentation for guidance on how to resolve the problem.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Supply Watch service to version 1.1.0, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.


Deleting computers from the print queue

If a computer or user is removed from the queue and remains in “pending deletion” status for more than 30 days, it is automatically removed in order to avoid the presence of obsolete computers in the print queue. The system checks twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm (GMT -3), to identify queues that have been pending deletion for more than 30 days.

The delay in deletion may be due to a lack of communication between the portal and the agent installed on the computer, which prevents the deletion from being completed. For computers that do not have the agent linked, the deletion will be carried out immediately after the request.

Modification to the automatic update rules by service

To improve the efficiency of the process, the automatic update rule per service will be applied to all the computers of the selected customer. It is no longer necessary to specify each computer individually, which makes configuration easier and speeds up the mass application of updates.

Easier access to service and module properties in the status grid

We've made it possible to quickly access the properties of a service or module via links added to the Service and Module columns in the grid of the Installations > Automatic updates > Services status menu. By clicking on the link, you will be directed to the properties of the service or module corresponding to the computer/customer.

Optimization of service execution control (Service: NDD - Computer Monitor)

We have improved service execution control when the service is stopped or restarted. This optimization eliminates delays that could cause timeouts or generate errors in the portal and Windows events.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Computer Monitor service to version 1.3.4, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.


Columns were not edited correctly in the supplies grids

When accessing the grids of the submenus in the Supplies menu, it was not possible to edit and save the columns displayed.

To fix this problem, we have updated the version of the grid component, including the necessary corrections to ensure that column editing works as expected.

Ricoh printer was not identified for savings application (Service: NDD - Supply Watch)

The Ricoh MP 161 printer was not correctly identified to apply the print savings rule.

To fix this problem, we implemented the same interpreter and printer search engine used in the NDD - Printer Monitor service, which was already able to correctly identify this model of equipment.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Supply Watch service to version 1.1.0, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Gateway cache was not stored correctly (Service: NDD - Gateway Connector)

In situations of high demand on the gateway, such as when several computers requested a driver download simultaneously, the cache was not stored correctly and all the services called the gateway.

To fix this problem, we implemented a treatment so that when several computers request a download from the gateway, only the first one will download it. The others will use the file stored in the cache.

The NDD - Gateway Connector must be updated to version 1.1.1, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Failure to search for information using the device's hostname (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)

There was a failure in calls that incorrectly used the device's hostname address as a parameter to search for information.

To fix this problem, we have changed it so that calls now correctly use the resolved IP value.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.9, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Updated version of the service was not being displayed correctly in the portal (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)

After updating the service, the updated version was not being displayed correctly in the portal.

To fix this problem, we have adjusted it to ensure that the version information is sent correctly to the portal.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.9, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Updated version of the service was not being displayed correctly in the portal (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor USB)

After updating the service, the updated version was not being displayed correctly in the portal.

To fix this problem, we have adjusted it to ensure that the version information is sent correctly to the portal.

The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Printer Monitor USB service to version 1.1.4, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.


Approved network printers (Service: NDD - Printer Monitor)

Meters and supplies capture



The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Printer Monitor service to version 1.1.9, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

Approved USB thermal printers (Service: NDD - Thermal Monitor USB)

Odometer capture



The DCA and Cloud Connector agent must be updated to version 1.1.13 and the NDD - Thermal Monitor USB service to version 1.2.0, respectively, as instructed at Update the agent or gateway on portal.

November 04, 2024


Expansion of grouping by customer was not performed in the printers grid

In the grid in the Monitoring > Printers menu, when grouping the view by the Customer column and scrolling down the screen, some groups were not being expanded correctly.

We have updated the version of the component responsible for this function, which contains the necessary corrections, allowing all groups to be expanded normally.

November 01, 2024


Slowdown in the printer search settings screen

In situations where a large number of physical network addresses were registered (around 3,000), the printer search settings screen of the NDD - Printer Monitor service (Installations > Services menu) was slow to load. This delay in returning the data for display on the screen caused high memory and processing consumption in the display component.

To correct this problem, we changed the loading to display only the first 50 records. If there are more than 50 records, the Load all button will be displayed, allowing the user to view all the addresses registered.

JavaScript errors detected

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