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When there are several EcoPrint rules for the same customer and members overlap, which one will be applied?

The hierarchy below determines which rule will be applied:

  1. Exclusion rule

  2. Custom rule with print queues

  3. Custom rule with printers

  4. Custom rule with specific model

  5. Custom rule with all manufacturers

  6. Default rule

For example, for customer ABC, the following rules are configured:

  • Rule A, exclusion: printer 123 from the manufacturer Canon

  • Rule B, custom: all models from the manufacturer Canon and savings of 20%

  • Rule C, default: customer ABC and savings of 30%

No savings will be applied to printer 123, even if it is included in rules B and C, because the exclusion rule takes precedence over the others.

The 20% saving will be applied to prints from the manufacturer Canon, as the customized rule takes precedence over the standard rule.

The 30% saving will be applied to the ABC customer's other managed printers and registered print queues, which are not related to Canon.

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