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How can I use the units?

  • Supplier organization: if there are several suppliers serving different customers at the same provider, you can create a unit for each supplier and link all the customers related to it.

  • Personalized access for users: you can allow a user to access the NDD Orbix portal and view only devices from one or more specific customers by creating a unit for that user and linking it to the respective customer(s).

  • Customer-specific reports: you can allow a user to access the NDD Orbix portal to generate reports for one or more specific customers, creating a unit for that user and linking to the respective customer(s).

  • Supply demand management: you can allow a user to access the NDD Orbix portal to generate supply demands for one or more specific customers, creating a unit for that user and linking it to the respective customer(s).

These are some examples of how units can be used to optimize the user experience in NDD Orbix, providing greater organization and control over operations related to customers and suppliers.

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