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General administration

NDD Orbix centralizes the monitoring and management of multiple devices. Therefore, providers will be able to manage their entire operation, units, customers and users in a single location, without the need to carry out maintenance or access to different systems, regardless of which devices are allocated. 


The units of NDD Orbix were born with the mission of helping providers to hierarchically organize their operations, being able to distribute its customers between operation contexts (regional, sectors, priorities, etc.), and add users who will be able to view them. 

The provider is headquartered in the region South, responsible for managing operations in the states of Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas, and a branch in the region Northeast, responsible for operations in the New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Each region has a specific team that manages these operations.

The provider can, therefore, organize two units, South and Northeast, for example, and create the subunits with their respective states, as shown in the flow below:


This structure can be reflected in NDD Orbix, in order to facilitate the administration of the provider, allowing users from both teams to be added to different units, viewing only the data in their context.

By doing this, the user who was added to the unit South, for example, will only see customers that are part of the South region, in this case, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. A user who was added to the New York subunit will be able to view only the customers linked to it, as it has no subunits. 

Divisional assignment rules are based on customers. Thus, whenever a new device is recognized as belonging to a particular customer, it is automatically assigned to that unit. 


In NDD Orbix the provider will be able to monitor the operation of its customers individually, separating their contexts, being able to assign sites and departments for better separation. 


In NDD Orbix it is possible to manage users, providing access to those who will be able to access the system to benefit from all its features.

Permission groups

In NDD Orbix it is possible to create permissions groups with personalized portal access authorizations. This model facilitates the organizational definition, because instead of configuring each user, the provider can assign the user to a group that has the appropriate permissions.


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