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DCA and Cloud Connector agent

The monitoring agent for NDD Orbix is the DCA and Cloud Connector. It is necessary for managing computers, network printers, USB printers, USB thermal printers, print queues and saving supplies.

This agent has the objective of:

  • Collect and send computer monitoring data to NDD Orbix

  • Collect and send meter, supply, and event data from network printers to NDD Orbix

  • Collect and send meter, and supply event data from USB printers to NDD Orbix

  • Collect and send monitoring and odometer data from USB thermal printers to NDD Orbix

  • Install drivers and print queues through the NDD Orbix portal

  • Apply the savings defined in the NDD Orbix portal to print jobs and distribute them to the corresponding devices

To check the prerequisites and install the DCA and Cloud Connector agent, go to Configuring the DCA and Cloud Connector agent.

Communication between the DCA and Cloud Connector agent and the NDD Orbix portal can take place in three different ways:

  • Direct communication: when there is no specific definition of using a proxy or gateway, communication takes place directly between the agent and the portal.

  • Using a proxy: this is a resource in the customer's infrastructure, responsible for mediating the devices' communication with the internet.

  • Using a gateway: this is an NDD resource (Gateway Connector), capable of intermediating agent communication with the NDD Orbix portal. In addition, the gateway caches data for certain features of the solution.

The communication flow is as follows:



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