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Agents monitoring

The agent is software responsible for collecting the data needed to monitor devices, which can be printers, computers, laptops, etc. It is installed on the customer's premises and distributed in various locations.

The purpose of agent monitoring is to ensure that operations that depend on agents for full production and availability of their services are sustained, by monitoring the health of the modules installed on customers.


The main benefits of this functionality are:



Provides essential information on modules/services, such as installation location, associated customer, date of last update and communication, etc.


Status of modules/services

Provides a real-time view of the availability of modules/services, indicating whether they are online (with communication) or offline (without communication), making it easier to identify interruptions.


Remote actions

Allows services to be started, stopped, restarted and updated directly from the NDD Orbix portal, offering centralized and remote control over their execution.


Printer settings

Facilitates the process of configuring the printers that will be monitored through the service.


Log registration

Details events and activities of the modules/services, helping to resolve problems.


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