Visualize the indicators of business intelligence
The version currently available on the NDD Orbix portal for business intelligence is BETA.
Business Intelligence (BI) in NDD Orbix is integrated with Power BI, allowing users to analyze data dynamically.
To access this feature, licensing is required.
There is no segregation of data by units in this feature. Therefore, users will view indicators based on the data of all the customers on the portal.
Who can use this feature
Users with the Admin or Business Intelligence (Beta) permissions
When you access the Business Intelligence menu, select the desired panel from the top bar. The dashboards available are:
Managerial ESG
Provides an overview of the printer fleet managed in the current month, with key indicators for monitoring ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices. These indicators provide transparency in the management of the services provided and encourage actions to reduce environmental impact.
Each indicator displays the icons Ⓔ, Ⓢ and/or Ⓖ in the bottom left-hand corner, indicating the data's association with one or more ESG pillars. Hover over the ⓘ icon for further explanation.
Some indicators have a comparison with the previous month in the bottom right-hand corner, showing an increase or decrease in values.
The dashboard contains the following indicators:
efficiency of printer monitoring, i.e. the number of devices online or offline in relation to the total
environmental impact of production in trees, liters of water, energy and CO² since implementation
total number of currently engaged customers, i.e. those with managed printers
percentage of the average coverage rate of exchanged supplies in the current month, disregarding premature exchanges
total number of supply carcasses to be collected in the current month
total number of supplies exchanged prematurely in the current month
percentage of efficiency in supply changes carried out at the correct time (when supplies were out of stock) in the current month
graph of the evolution of efficiency in printer monitoring over the last 6 months
graph of the evolution of the coverage rate of supplies exchanged over the last 6 months
graph of the evolution of efficiency in supplies exchanges over the last 6 months
It is possible to filter the indicators for one or more customers with managed printers, allowing for a focused analysis.
The indicators areupdated daily to ensure the latest and most accurate information.
Provides a comprehensive overview of the managed printer fleet, containing the following indicators:
total printers managed
total customers
total printer pages in the month
number of online and offline printers
evolution of the number of printers over time
number of printers by manufacturer and model
number of printers by customer
location of printers (visual and described)
Displays the main indicators relating to the production of the managed printer fleet, such as:
total printers with production
total monochrome pages printed
total color pages printed
total printer pages
production quantity by manufacturer and model
production quantity by customer
evolution of production over time
You can filter the indicators by period and by color or monochrome pages.
Premature exchanges
Provides valuable information on the premature supply exchanges of the managed printers, such as:
total premature exchanges
percentage of premature exchanges over total exchanges completed
total premature exchanges in pages
value per page
value of premature exchanges
comparison of exchanges made over premature exchanges over time
number of premature exchanges by customer
number of premature exchanges by manufacturer
number of premature exchanges by model
number of premature exchanges by part number
You can filter the indicators by period.
Displays important metrics related to the supply exchanges of managed printers for accurate analysis, such as:
number of exchanges by manufacturer
number of exchanges by part number
table of total capacity and quantity of exchanges for each printer
number of exchanges over time
You can filter the indicators by period.
Provides a comprehensive and detailed view of the managed computer park, containing the following indicators:
total computers managed
total customers
number of active and inactive computers
evolution of the number of computers over time
number of computers by manufacturer and model
number of computers per customer
location of computers (visual and described)
When you click on any information in the indicators provided, all the other indicators in that panel will be filtered according to the selection made.
To manipulate the information presented in the indicators, such as filtering, we recommend accessing the Power BI tool documentation, available at Power BI documentation.