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Stop monitoring or return to monitoring printers

When you stop monitoring a printer that is being monitored, alerts will no longer be generated about its meter status. Thus, the system will not alert the user when the printer is Offline. This is useful so that alerts are not displayed for printers that don't need to be fully monitored, such as backup printers.

When you resume monitoring a printer that is not being monitored, it will resume generating alerts about its meter status.


Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Printer settings management permissions

  1. Go to Settings > Monitoring

  2. Locate the Reasons for not monitoring option

  3. Click on the + Create button

  4. Enter the name of the reason to be assigned when the printer is no longer monitored

  5. Click the Save button

  6. Repeat the action as many times as necessary until you have registered all the desired reasons
    You can enter up to 50 reasons.

There are two ways to stop monitoring or return to monitoring a printer:

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Enable or disable monitoring permissions

1st way

In the printer grid:

  1. Go to the Monitoring > Printers menu

  2. Select the desired printers

  3. Click the Monitor button if you want to resume monitoring the unmonitored printers, or Not monitor if you want to stop monitoring the monitored printers

When the Not monitor option is selected, enter the reason for not monitoring the printer (select one of the reasons already entered or enter a new reason) and click the Save button to confirm the action.

When the Monitor option is selected, click the Confirm button in the message box to confirm the action.

2nd way

In the printer register:

  1. Go to the Monitoring > Printers menu

  2. Click on the name of the desired printer to open its properties

  3. Click on the Services and Monitoring tab

  4. Check the desired option, whether the printer will be Monitored or Not monitored

When the Not monitored option is checked, enter the reason for not monitoring the printer (select one of the reasons already entered or enter a new reason).

  1. Click the Save button to confirm the action


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