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Signal printer inactivity

Allows you to customize the monitoring of printer inactivity signals by setting the default period of days without activity for all customers or a custom period for specific customers.

This setting will flag monitored printers as Offline if they do not send meter data after the configured period.

By default, the period of days of inactivity for all customers will be 3 days, but this period can be changed according to the needs of the operation.

Who can use this feature

Users with the Admin or Printer settings management permissions


  1. Access the Settings > Monitoring menu

  2. Locate the Inactivity warning option


To change the default period of days for all customers, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Edit button

  2. Enter the period of days as desired

  3. Click the Save button


To register a customized period of days for specific customers, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the + Add button

  2. Select the desired customers

  3. Enter the period of days as desired

  4. Click the Add button to create the record and remain on the add screen, or the Add and Close button to create the record and return to the configuration page

The rules created for specific customers will take precedence over the default rule for all customers.

To edit or delete a registration, go to Edit or delete records.

After configuring the rules, you can configure the issuing of alerts so that the NDD Orbix portal alerts you when a printer changes its monitoring status to Offline.


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