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Change agent communication on Linux

After installing the DCA and Cloud Connector agent, the communication method can be inserted, changed or removed.

If the address or port where the Gateway Connector is installed is changed, this information must also be updated in the DCA and Cloud Connector agent to ensure continued communication.


  1. Open the terminal

There are several change scenarios. Identify your current situation and the change you want to make to determine the action required.

Current situation

Desired change

Action required

Direct communication

Proxy communication

  1. Run the command below in the terminal to configure the proxy:

sudo ndd-proxy-config
  1. In Insert proxy address, enter the IP address or hostname of the proxy and press Enter

  2. In Insert proxy port, enter the proxy port and press Enter

  3. In Use authentication?, type y if you want to use authentication or n if you don't, and press Enter

    1. If you want to use authentication:

      1. In Insert proxy user, enter the proxy's authentication user and press Enter

      2. In Insert proxy password, enter the proxy's authentication password and press Enter

    2. If you don't want to use authentication, just press Enter in both fields

  4. Run the command below in the terminal to enable the proxy:

sudo ndd-proxy-config --enable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - DCA and Cloud Connector service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDDCAandCloudConnector
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - Printer Monitor service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDPrinterMonitor

Direct communication

Gateway communication

  1. Run the command below in the terminal to configure the gateway:

sudo ndd-gateway-config
  1. In Insert Gateway Connector host, enter the IP address or hostname of the computer/server where the Gateway Connector was installed, and press Enter

  2. In Insert Gateway Connector port, enter the gateway port and press Enter
    The default gateway port is 9635, but you can enter another port if you wish.

  3. Run the command below in the terminal to enable the gateway:

sudo ndd-gateway-config --enable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - DCA and Cloud Connector service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDDCAandCloudConnector
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - Printer Monitor service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDPrinterMonitor

Proxy communication

Direct communication

  1. Run the command below in the terminal to disable the proxy:

sudo ndd-proxy-config --disable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - DCA and Cloud Connector service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDDCAandCloudConnector
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - Printer Monitor service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDPrinterMonitor

Proxy communication

Gateway communication

  1. Run the command below in the terminal to disable the proxy:

sudo ndd-proxy-config --disable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to configure the gateway:

sudo ndd-gateway-config
  1. In Insert Gateway Connector host, enter the IP address or hostname of the computer/server where the Gateway Connector was installed, and press Enter

  2. In Insert Gateway Connector port, enter the gateway port and press Enter
    The default gateway port is 9635, but you can enter another port if you wish.

  3. Run the command below in the terminal to enable the gateway:

sudo ndd-gateway-config --enable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - DCA and Cloud Connector service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDDCAandCloudConnector
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - Printer Monitor service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDPrinterMonitor

Gateway communication

Direct communication

  1. Run the command below in the terminal to disable the gateway:

sudo ndd-gateway-config --disable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - DCA and Cloud Connector service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDDCAandCloudConnector
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - Printer Monitor service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDPrinterMonitor

Gateway communication

Proxy communication

  1. Run the command below in the terminal to disable the gateway:

sudo ndd-gateway-config --disable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to configure the proxy:

sudo ndd-proxy-config
  1. In Insert proxy address, enter the IP address or hostname of the proxy and press Enter

  2. In Insert proxy port, enter the proxy port and press Enter

  3. In Use authentication?, type y if you want to use authentication or n if you don't, and press Enter

    1. If you want to use authentication:

      1. In Insert proxy user, enter the proxy's authentication user and press Enter

      2. In Insert proxy password, enter the proxy's authentication password and press Enter

    2. If you don't want to use authentication, just press Enter in both fields

  4. Run the command below in the terminal to enable the proxy:

sudo ndd-proxy-config --enable
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - DCA and Cloud Connector service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDDCAandCloudConnector
  1. Run the command below in the terminal to restart the NDD - Printer Monitor service:

sudo systemctl restart NDDPrinterMonitor


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