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Security in Microsoft Azure

NDD Orbix is hosted on Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing platform known for its security, privacy and compliance features.

Microsoft Azure employs a multi-layered security strategy, covering physical, infrastructure and operational security. This approach significantly increases the protection of customer data.

Security features

The main security features leveraged by NDD in Microsoft Azure are:

  • Defense in depth: Microsoft Azure uses a defense in depth approach, integrating identity management, network security and data protection to protect customers' environments.

  • Physical security: Microsoft Azure datacenters are protected by several layers of security, including access control, surveillance and biometric scanning, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive areas.

  • Data protection: Microsoft Azure offers robust encryption for data at rest and in transit. Data in NDD Orbix is encrypted using 2048-bit RSA and 256-bit SHA keys for secure data exchanges.

  • Operational security: Microsoft Azure adheres to the SDL (Security Development Lifecycle), ensuring that security is integrated into all phases of application development and operations.

Data hosting

NDD Orbix uses the infrastructure of Microsoft Azure datacenters located in Germany and the United States, depending on the origin of the data. Data from customers in Europe is stored in the datacenter in Germany, while data from customers on other continents is hosted in the datacenter in the United States.

Both datacenters guarantee high standards of security and privacy, providing a safe and reliable environment for data storage.

Incident response

In the event of a security incident, NDD Orbix takes advantage of Microsoft Azure's global incident response capabilities. These resources are designed to detect, assess and correct threats quickly and effectively, ensuring that any possible breaches are handled with the utmost care and that customers' data remains secure.

Continuous monitoring and threat detection

NDD Orbix benefits from Azure's advanced threat detection and monitoring tools, including Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel. These tools provide real-time information on the security status of the platform, enabling proactive identification and mitigation of potential threats.


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