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Integrations Manual

The NDD Orbix is composed of multiple integration API's, which have different objectives. However, some information is required to enable any of them, and can be checked in the topics below:

Available API’s


Through this API, it is possible to automate the provider closing process through the consumption of the NDD Orbix meters, manage the printers and integrate the supply replacement process through consumption, updates and closing of demands.

Printers API

Organizational structure of the provider

This API provides the registration of customers, sites and departments for the organization of the provider's operation.

Organizational structure of the provider API


The purpose of this API is to provide the integration of inventory products registration, also considering manufacturers, colors, types and groups.

Products API


This API makes it possible to search for all the computer's data at once or separately, allowing access to registration data, RAM memory usage history and processor usage history). You can also update the computer's monitoring data.

Computers API

Print queue

This API allows managing users, computers and groupings related to print queues. With it, it is possible to create, update and synchronize these entities, ensuring efficient and consistent management.

Print queue API


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